I'm not supposed to be here.

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TW. slight violence, cursing


=Your P.O.V.=

The pink haired male hit me in the back of the neck and the world starts to spin around me as the floor comes closer to my face. 'mans gave me no warning, damn.'

I woke up in a cold sweat, my eyes fluttered open at the sound of a male screaming "---hillll, Wil-- hit m---" His words kept blurring together in the head because I was to focused on the piercing pain in the back of my neck. I rubbed my neck while groaning and sitting up. The screaming silenced as memories of what took place slowly fill my thought. The half bloods, the guards, the blond man, the pig half blood... that's why my neck feels like its broken. My eyes immediately shot across the room trying to see where I am, my eyes stop on the pink haired boy who is glaring daggers at me.

He looked oddly familiar, well besides the fact that he knocked me out who knows how long ago. I see axe laid on a desk not to far away, I launch forward to grab it. I point it to the group of boys across they room. "Where, the hell, am I?" I say, my voice cracking slightly due to fear that i tried to hide. The blond male with the bucket hat put his hands up and said " don't worry mate, we aren't trying to hurt you." he chuckled slightly as the sentence ended. " Ain't the first time I've heard that one and that didn't answer my question, where am I." The pink haired male chuckled slightly and growled "put my axe down and we will tell you, I also have a couple of questions to ask you."

I hesitatingly placed the axe down, mostly because I was way out number and it wouldn't matter if I had it or not, "where am I?" I asked a lot calmer that I did before. " Your at our house, about fifty miles east of the kingdom walls. " The shorter blond ear piercingly yelled " Hey! Why were the guards after yOU?!" his voice cracking as he yelled which caused me to stifle a laugh. What? I was just kidnapped. Not really the best time to laugh at a kid who sounds like a toxic Fortnite kid.{no offence Tommy, it just fit perfectly there.}But that doesn't mean it wasn't funny. The other men in the room chuckled as the blond let out some "offended noises" the room went silent after than then the pink haired male said.

"My name is Technoblade,  but I go by Techno. His question wasn't answered. Why were they after you." It sounded more like he knew and just wanted to bring attention to it. "That's not important or any of your business. I'm not supposed to be here." I mumbled the last part slightly. Techno looked at me "And why is that, Princey?" he taunted. 'So they know' As i was about to answer the older blond muttered "Princey, really? that's your nickname for him? Why?" Techno froze for a second then shrugged and turned away from him. " Any ways, I am Phil and the other boy is Tommy. We brought you here because the guards were after you and it did seem like you didn't anything wrong so we stopped them from getting to you! now that thats cleared up whats your name?"  "...(M/n)..."

=Techno P.O.V.=

I remembered (M/n), from a couple of years ago... yeah. I still dont feel bad about what happened. Anyways, we all just kind of stand there in awkward silence.




"(M/N)! Thats lovely!" (M/N) just nodded and was looking around the room and the awkward silence grew again.  Worse this time because we already used the only conversation starter we had.

This was gonna be a LONG day...



(Discontinued) A King, a Queen, and a prince with no hope... [mcytxmalereader]Where stories live. Discover now