Midnight meeting.

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(M/n) P.O.V

We all had dinner that night, together. Minus Techno, he was out doing whatever he pleased. Dinner was fine I guess, Tommy was pretty loud but the moments of silence in between while he was scarfing down food were pretty peaceful. Wilbur tried to make small talk and I tried to go along with it. Then eventually stopped answering properly because i hate small talk. Phil tried to get to know me more but anytime I pulled away he wouldn't push so that was nice.

I was currently laid out on the couch, trying to fall asleep. The harsh winds blowing through the chimney and small cracks between the door frame weren't helping. I decided to just let my brain run rampant on the thought of where to go from here. Yes, I'm staying with theses half bloods, but I can't just stay here forever.

'I could leave and build my own home?' I don't know how to do that.

'I could go back home?' That place is unsafe now that dads probably mad, with how long Ive been gone not even mom could save me.

'I could...'

The little voice in my mind faded the moment I heard noise outside.The very faint sound if snow crunching, barely audible over the wind. Dog barking also filtered into way into the equation of sound. My mind went wild as to what it could be but I didn't care to get up, 'if whoever it is kills me now i don't have to worry about the future at all.'

The sound of boots hitting the porch reached my ears but still no movement from my body. This wouldn't be the most royal worthy death but I'm stuck with three half bloods so how bad really is it? The door swung open, a strong gust of cold wind entering the air. Steps moved deeper into the house and closed the door, continuing their stride almost past the couch. Stopping at the side where my head was lying. I felt there stare on my, me being me (tired and petty) decided to comment on it. "I'm pretty, yes, absolutely magnificent but why are you?-" I opened my eyes to see Techno glaring down at me "staring..." Techno said nothing, his hand lifted from his side slightly hesitating before reaching into his pocket. He pulled out the book from earlier and dropped it on my face.

"YOU BITCH" I launched up and held my face. He walked off to the kitchen and i was quick to follow while spouting words of retaliation. He stopped at the sink and grabbed a rag, washing his hands. The rag dyed red as blood was washed off of his hands. "Hey asshole I wasn't bothering you why did you have to mess!- your hands?" He turned the sink off and turned towards me, he stared for a second then his hand, which held the rag, reached forward and wiped my face. I smacked his hand away

"Why you touching me."

"You had blood on you face?"

"Oh so you can speak!... what did you just say was on my face?"

Techno glared slightly obviously annoyed, "Blood." I grabbed a new rag, turned the water on and drenched the rag in it. I pulled the rag close to my face and dabbed the space he cleaned. I then aggressively scrub my face.

Techno placed his rag down and walked to the cabinet and grabbed a mug, as I finished cleaning my face I felt his eyes shift to me. Turning to look at him, seeing him look lost in thought while look at the mug, then me, then the mug again. "If you have something to say just spit it out." Techno looked at me, sighing, placing his mug down and grabbing another. He adjusted his glasses and motioned the mug towards me.

"Do you care for some tea, you prick."

(Discontinued) A King, a Queen, and a prince with no hope... [mcytxmalereader]Where stories live. Discover now