Tea party

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(M/n) POV

I wanted to be petty, and I mean I really wanted to be petty but he was trying to be nice so I agreed.

We sat in slightly awkward silence as we waited for the water to boil. "Sooo, you know?" I said as I awkwardly shuffled into a new position, leaning against the counters. "Know what exactly?" Techno looked away from the boiling water in favor of making eye contact. "Who I am."

"If were talking about the crowned heir to the kings thrown. The pompous prince that everyone must grovel at their hand and knees too, the pawn in all of his fathers royal games... Yes I know you very well." Anger built up in his words as he slowly approached me with a harsh glare. "What do you mean by a Pawn." Right after the words came out of my mouth a harsh whistle came thought the air. "Waters ready." He said, his voice going back to a neutral emotion as he turned away from me to grab the kettle pouring the hot water into each mug then dropping a tea bag in them.

I cleared my throat and shifted my position again, anxiety driving my actions. "So what were you doing out so late?" I tried to change the subject, my voice quieter than before. "Hunting." He walked towards me, placing the mug next to me, then walked back to the other side of the kitchen leaning on the counter. "Hm...Why did you drop the book on me?" Genuine curiosity evident in my voice. "I thought you would want it back." A chuckle escaped my mouth "So you attacked my beautiful face instead of you know, asking?"

"You were sleeping. At least I thought you were, maybe you deserved it." Snickering I take a sip of my tea the heat burning the inside of my mouth and immediately reeling back. 'Shit.' I looked over at Techno, he didn't even try and hide his smirk. He pulled the cup towards his mouth and sipped, as steam fogged up his glasses and escaped from the cup.

"...Is you mouth ok?..."

"Yep." He said popping the P as confusion and concern made its way to my face. "What is one of the reasons you dislike me, prince?" "You dropped a book on my face." He nodded "That I did, but im also a half blood. More specifically im a piglin." I nodded along with him but still extremely confused.

"Im resistant to heat." "OH!" Techno looked at me slightly disappointed as he finished off his tea. Silence filled the room as he placed the mug in the sink and got to cleaning it. "Do you always-?" He placed the mug on the drying rack and turned to me, "Do you ever stop asking questions."

He walked out the kitchen and up the stairs whispering a barely audible "Night." I shrugged and sipped my tea again, it still being hot but not scorching.


(Discontinued) A King, a Queen, and a prince with no hope... [mcytxmalereader]Where stories live. Discover now