Day 1. Yard work

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Strong language!!

I had slept on the couch, it wasn't the best sleeping arrangements I've ever had I have to admit  but its better then having ever right of freedom taken away from me because i left the kingdom walls. I woke up to the blond kid complaining that he couldn't sit on the couch. I sat up and yawned, I didn't sleep very well because I trying to think of a way to get out of the... unique situation. As i rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and fixed my hair slightly Tommy flopped down onto the couch which caught me off guard to say the least.

I stood up and moves to a different side of the couch to sit while i wait for my brain to fully wake up. I may be half awake but I wouldn't forget I'm surrounded by "beasts" so I still keep my guard up.  Loud boots came up the porch outside my eyes shot to the door and Philza walks in with Techno trailing behind him. "Ah, mate your awake!" I nod. "Not much of a talker huh? No worries, i have something you can help with so you don't have to conversant much!" I let out a hum of acknowledgment signaling him to continue.

"I need you to move the hay from the shed to the cow pen please!" My eyes widened slightly and tension built up in my muscles. I was trying to figure out how to tell him im not exactly excited to be doing fucking yard work. He shoved some gloves in to my hands and handed me a coat with some boots. I put them on being to pressured to tell him anything i walked out side and to the thing that looked most like the shed he might be talking about. It had a sign on it with messy hand writing on it saying "Tommys castle."

I walked in and huffed out "Trust me, this shit hole is not a castle." I walked towards the hay and picked it up with the ropes holding the hay together. It wasnt that heavy, maybe this wouldn't be to bad. As i started to walk out of the shed and i moved my legs i started to get really itchy. Two hay bails moved and I'm uncomfortable as hell "its stabbing the shit out of my legs." i cursed as i walked around the house and back to the shed, i tripped and face plated In to the snow. "The hell..." i looked at where I tripped and froze. A huge polar bear stared at me while bearing his teeth.

"W-why hello their um... sir? Ma'am?... please don't kill me..." it growled at me and walked forward. I scooted back until my back hit the wall. It got directly in front of my face and sniffed me, it circled around like a dog and laid on me. "Uhh" i was stuck because i was scared to wake it up.

Looks like I'm stuck with another beast.

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