Pure Love

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Alex remembers how he sloppily made his way to the bathroom. He was proper drunk by then and couldn't remember the reason why he drank so much. He went for a wee and after a messy attempt of washing his hands properly, while he was opening the door, he bumped face first into – you guessed it, - Miles.

"Oi- 'Eyy!" Miles exclaimed and instinctively grabbed Alex's shoulders.

'Oh, shit – Hey." Alex sheepishly greeted him, a smile plastered on his face.

"Well you got yourself properly pissed haven't you?" The slightly taller man laughed.

"Yeah, almost literally, wasn't sure where the toilet was for a second." And Alex earned himself another chuckle from Miles.

"Soooo... Are you just gonna stand here while I take a piss?" Miles smiled at Al.

"I mean, nothing I've never seen before." And there was nothing sexual implied to it, although they did see each other naked plenty times before. Sometimes they were just like a domestic couple and found themselves often hanging around each others houses, so things like one of them brushing their teeth and the other using the toilet or shower right next to them was completely normal.

So, Alex did exactly what has been said previously. He was looking at himself in the mirror even though he couldn't make much out due to him being drunk as everyone else in the house. Next thing he knew is Miles' hips bumping into his, the sudden movement almost knocking him over – of course, Miles didn't mean that, he just wanted to innocently push his friend to the side so he could wash his hands, but Alex was too drunk to properly stand on his legs.

"I'm gonna knock my head into a doorframe or summat one day and die, and you will be the one to take the blame, Mi." Alex pointed his finger at Miles while trying to steady himself.

"Eh, come on, I didn't do it on purpose. I'm sorry." Miles apologised ironically, finding it hilarious how Alex put on his act.

"It will be an accidental death then. Still, you're the one whose hands I'll die at." Alex puffed, grabbing the sides of the sink

"Tell me a more beautiful death than that." Miles leaned onto the counter as well, his hands grabbing the ends of it.

"Hmmmm... Can't think of one." He immediately went along with Miles' act. He took a moment to look at the man standing next to him and at times like this, when they were both pissed, drunk out of their minds, on stage, or when they were in a room working on a song, Alex always allowed himself to really admire him. He always took note of his incredible nature and personality – how being the kindest person on Earth just came so naturally to him, the thought of being unfair or unkind to someone never even crossing his mind – or how he always hated to see two of his friends having even the slightest disagreement or smallest fight – or how he was always the first to help someone in need – and the list could go on forever.

Frankly, he always found Miles attractive. Even when they first met, when they were both 19, still so young, little bits of acne here and there showing up on their faces, looking no more than 16 – he felt something that he never did before, but of course, he didn't know that back then. He realised it way too late, so late that he thought it didn't matter anymore. What he still doesn't know, is that Miles feels the exact same – but he could never gather up the courage to say it.
Miles was wearing a simple, casual dark blue suit with a white shirt underneath it, the first few buttons unforgettably lying loose and matching Alex's white T-shirt that could be seen from his mint green blouse. You could tell he hadn't had his hair trimmed in about a month – Alex could grip it any time he wanted to now – and he had a small stubble, the one that suited his face the most. His eyes were droopy from whatever alcohol he had consumed up till then and it added to his whole look.

Alex could feel himself smile a little as he took in every detail of Miles, mentally taking a note that he looked particularly hot that night and even if he wanted to, he could not take his eyes off of him.

"Don't look at me like you're looking at the love of your life." Miles smiled, analysing Alex the same way the other boy did before. They would say these kinds of things to each other all the time – they couldn't go on with a conversation without teasing each other with something.

Alex sighed deeply, "If only you'd know." In a typical conversation or a film, this would seem like the start of a love confession. With them, it was something casual, pretending that they were something more than they showed to the public eye.

"How could I know if you never tell me?" Miles pushed Alex even more, pouting his lips and trying to hide his smile, his intoxicated state not letting him be completely serious.

"What's the point of telling when you can show?" Alex stepped in front of Miles, not thinking about it twice.

"Well, I do have to agree with you on that one, Alexander." Miles couldn't help but fully show his smile now, Alex's full name rolling of his tongue in a mocking but loving manner, knowing full well that no one really called him that. He placed both his hands on Alex's waist and slightly tugged on it, as the Monkeys' frontman stumbled forward and landed his hands across Miles' chest.

"Ah, but I show that I love you every day." Alex wasn't used to talking like this normally, he didn't say those three words nearly as often as Miles did, but when he let himself go a little, he would always get flirtier and more affectionate.

"Hmm." Miles hummed, bringing his face closer to Alex's. Their noses and foreheads were touching now and Miles rubbed his nose a little against Alex's, earning a quiet chuckle from the older boy. Alex wrapped his arms around Miles' waist, his hands meeting each other on the small of Mi's back. They both had their eyes closed, too consumed in the moment, to the point where they could fall asleep right there and then.

This is where both of them felt the safest – entangled in each other, their scents mixing together and their hearts beating in sync.

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