The End?

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Alex sat in bed, completely naked, only the covers hiding his lower body. Miles was in the bathroom and Alex couldn't think of a reason he'd need several minutes just to clean off a tiny bit of his body. Thoughts of uncertainty filled his mind, but he began to feel extremely sleepy. His orgasm was slowly wearing off, his breathing becoming even, but the buzz was still there, the alcohol and their previous actions making him tired. So Alex decided to lay down, pulling up the covers to his neck while telling himself he's going to rest his eyes a couple more seconds before Miles comes back.

Miles wasn't still cleaning himself, just like Alex thought. He was instead looking in the mirror, the red patches of excitement still visible across his chest. There were a couple of unfinished hickeys and bite marks all across his neck and he could undeniably still feel Alex on him. His hands, breaths, lips and tongue, his eyes piercing into him, his body against his own. For some reason, he was scared to go back there. He knew how Alex could get. He gets brave when drunk, doing things he otherwise wouldn't and then he never speaks of them again. Obviously, this couldn't be one of those things, right?

Matt catching them in the bathroom didn't help the situation either. They'd have to explain it to him, otherwise Miles would always feel weird being in the same room as Matt again. Matt always looked like he knew too much anyways. But then again, everyone looked at him and Alex that way, like they knew even more than they did.

Miles let his thoughts wander, almost completely forgetting about Alex waiting for him in his bedroom. It was weird that he wasn't calling out for Miles, as he normally would when he'd sleep over. He wasn't making a sound, the sheets weren't ruffling and cigarettes weren't being lit. Perhaps he's asleep already. The possibility of it made Miles gather his courage and leave the bathroom.

Alex looked asleep. He was neatly tucked in, his hair everywhere on the white pillow. Their clothes were still on the floor, signaling that Alex didn't bother putting any clothes on. Miles slowly made his way to his side of the bed, carefully sliding under the covers, Alex's body facing the other way. He wasn't sure what to do, and then he realised that this was never the case with them. He never had to worry whether to hug Alex or not, in bed or anywhere else. But now, he was anxious and more careful than ever.

Not daring to spoon Alex from behind, Miles only got closer to him, fixating his gaze on one particular spot on Alex's head, staring out of his own. And then, Alex started stirring and Miles could feel his legs stretching and then he could see him turning to Miles.

Alex looked incredibly young. The way women do after they wake up, sleep still evident in their eyes and without a hint of makeup. Alex never wore makeup, yet in Miles' eyes, he looked more bare than ever before. He seemed pure, like he couldn't tell the whitest lie or couldn't do the smallest mistake in the world. Angelic, – Miles thought – that would be the perfect word.

And so they looked at each other, with something in their eyes that wasn't there before. Or perhaps they just hadn't noticed it. It was Alex who spoke up.

'What took you so long?' his voice was a whisper, still a bit rough.

'I were... thinking.' Miles replied honestly, keeping the same tone as Alex.

'About what?'


'What about us?'

'What do you mean what about us?' Miles smiled slightly, but only for a second.

'I don't know... Just tell me what were you thinking about.' Alex asked, curious.

Alex thought Miles looked pretty. Prettier than usual. Cute, even. His lips were bigger, his hair more ruffled and his eyes searching for something, but beaming with uncertainty. Alex could feel it, and he wanted Miles to voice it out.

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