That's What Friends Are For

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They hadn't seen each other in months. Alex had lost count. The days blurred together and the fact that he became unrecognizable – both physically and mentally - was not an exaggeration. He let his hair and beard go long, something he never did before. He didn't like the look of it, but didn't care enough to shave it off. Then, a few months back, in the midst of a breakdown, he shaved all his hair and beard off, and then he didn't like that either. He didn't like much about himself ever since it happened. Everyone, including him, referred to Alex that way – before Miles, and after. All his family and mates have tried to get used to them being apart after such a long time and were almost convinced that it was truly the end of them. Not Miles or Alex explained what happened. To anyone. It was all lies. 'We had a disagreement about something and got angry for no reason.' 'We just had a fight. No big deal.' 'I'm fine anyways, I've lost friends along the way.' The only one who knew more than that was obviously Matt. He went up to both of them and hesitantly asked the big question, but to no avail. Not one of them wanted to even lie about what Matt had seen, because they didn't know what the other one would say. So they just shrugged, mumbled something about booze and left it at there.

Miles was doing relatively better than Alex – at least that's what could be seen on the outside. He left the house more, talked with people, made music, tried to eat and sleep properly and not indulge himself in drinking too much; but it was dreadful. All Miles truly wanted to do was stay at home and do nothing. He was trying to come to terms with the fact that what they had with Alex is officially over now. Even fans started speculating, not having seen them together in so long. Miles started changing his appearances as well – experimenting with makeup and all kinds of crazy clothing, but he did stick with his shaved head. It reminded him of the Puppets days, the last tour, everything that came with it and everything that he did not expect to happen.

Both of the boys had lost weight and gained bags around their eyes. They talked less and laughed even less, and tried to hide it all the more. The images from that night were haunting both of them – the party, the kisses, the lovemaking, the raised voices, the confession, the tears and Miles leaving without saying a single word, both of them choking on their sobs. They both missed each other freakishly as well – but that would only come as natural.

The person that was the most infuriated about their sudden break was Matt. And he wasn't known for giving up easily, so one time he decided to show up at Alex's house, no call or announcement and force him into explaining, for his sake. He hated seeing Alex like that and he knew he wasn't gonna get better any soon.

'You could've called me at least.' Alex sighed and poured hot water into mugs already filled with tea bags. He was wearing week-old pyjamas and couldn't remember the last time he washed his hair, and needless to say, he was embarrassed that Matt had to see him like this.

'Yeah, and have you telling me to fuck off.' Matt showed his dimples and it gave Alex a pleasant sense of familiarity.

'I could still kick you out.' Alex joked, which made Matt look him up and down.

'I doubt that.' Matt was half-serious now, and Alex knew that he was referring to the weight he lost.

'I just haven't been working out lately.' There was absolutely no reason for Alex to lie. He knew perfectly well that Matt could see right through him, yet he still wanted to avoid talking about it.

'Mhm.' Matt leaned forward on the settee and took a sip out of the tea that Alex put in his hand. It was both of their favourite ever since they've been kids. 'You know why I'm here.' And Alex knew perfectly well.

'Yes, and I think you should drop it.' Alex told him firmly. He was too tired to get annoyed and he was certainly not in the mood for any fights.

'You know that I want you to talk about it for your own good, man. It's not the fact that I'm dying of curiosity, it's just that... It's fucking horrible to see you like this. Both of you. I don't want every little fucking detail, but it's better if you talk about it. Have you even talked to anyone?'

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