Unexpected Visitor

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And then, the door opened. The two boys were so engulfed in the feeling, their brains registered the sound only moments later.

Matt stood in doorway, a perplexed look on his face, watching two of his best mates suddenly whipping their heads towards him, drawing back from each other and locking eyes with him with a terrified look on their faces, like someone just caught them burying a body.

Not one of them dared to say a thing, so many thoughts going through their heads, all at once.

'Sorry, man.' Matt finally managed to choke out, that certain look never leaving his face, a million different questions appearing in his mind. He grabbed the handle of the door, and closed it, turning his back on it. Was this a one time thing? Just because they're hammered? Do they do this every time they find a secluded place at a party? How many times has this happened? Are they a thing? Are they shagging? Is this the first time they kissed?

Matt knew it was not his business. Not in this detail, anyways. He always knew those two were insanely close, he saw the photos and videos from their Puppets tour, he saw how they acted whenever they hung out together. He knew they loved each other crazily, in a brotherly way. But he would've never imagined something like this. Brothers don't kiss, do they? The scared look on their faces made Matt feel scared as well. Did they think he was disgusted by them? Were they just simply surprised that they were 'caught in the act'? They didn't expect any companion, obviously. But they must know that Matt wouldn't just go out of his way and tell everyone in the house what he just saw. Maybe they were just terrified that their secret got out. That someone knows now. That they can't say 'You saw wrong, mate, nothing even happened.'

Matt wasn't that surprised, honestly. He was, to some extent, but it wasn't the biggest news in the world. Miles never seemed straight, or acted that way. Alex loved to be close to men too, especially Miles. Maybe he's just overthinking it. Maybe it really was just a one time thing, something that they tried out for the sake of trying it out. To stretch the idea of the two of them to the maximum, Matt realised that he wouldn't mind even if they were an item. He'd actually be happy, safe in the knowledge that finally Alex has found the One, knowing that he'll never go through any painful break ups ever again. He could never imagine a world were Miles and Alex aren't friends... or anything of the sort.

And that's when he realised, maybe even before the previously mentioned men had. They really were made for each other. And this was not the first time. And they didn't look at each other in only a brotherly way. And they belonged together, and always have. And the songs that Alex wrote and never wanted to tell who they're about, were about Miles. And that's why neither of them succeeded in finding someone who they're with for more than 4 years. Because simply they weren't meant to be with those women, they were meant to be with each other.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Alex and Miles looked at each other, and then at the floor, and then at the ceiling, and then anywhere but each other, not wanting to believe what just happened. What was Matt thinking? He cannot think that this is what they do all the time, can he?

'We should... get out, before someone waltzes in again.' Alex said, trying his best to keep his voice stabile.

'Yeah.' Was all Miles could say.

So they got out, Miles first and then Alex, and they were both very relieved that Matt was nowhere to be seen, sighing deeply.

'Miles...' Alex turned to him.

'Please tell me you want to get out of here just as much as I want to.'

'Read my bloody mind.'

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