Happy (18+)

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'Fuck... please, Miles, please.' Alex was moaning loudly, begging, his head thrown back and in between two pillows, his legs wrapping around Miles' waist.

'Baby, look at me.' Miles instructed, grabbing Alex's cock and teasing its head with his thumb.

'Jeeeesus, fuck.' Alex could barely open his eyes as he searched for Miles', looking down for a second at their entwined bodies, Miles' hands around him, jerking him off, his hips pounding into him at a relentless pace. Miles leaned down and pressed their foreheads together, keeping the eye contact.

Alex could not stop swearing and panting and whining, he was losing his mind, the euphoric feeling spreading throughout his whole body.

'Fucking hell Alex you squeeze me like that once more I'm gonna come on spot.' Miles managed to moan out, the feeling getting too much for him too, the eye contact not helping with restraining himself.

Alex didn't know what to do with his body anymore, his hands getting tired from gripping the sheets too harshly, so he grabbed Miles' short hair as best as he could and smashed his own lips against his. The snog was a mess of teeth and tongues trying to outdo whatever the others' lips had tried to obtain, the kisses getting more and more rough by mere seconds, the lust and love that was yet to be discovered completely overtaking both of their bodies.

The feeling of someone being inside of Alex was completely new to him. Yes, he had 'sex' with other guys before, but never went this far. The feeling of a length hitting his prostate and someone wanking him off, hands roaming his body, the feeling of a scratchy beard against his face and male eyes staring deep into his, was something his brain could barely comprehend. And what threw him across the edge was the fact that all the things described previously, they belonged to Miles.

And that's when it hit him.

He drew back from Miles' lips and opened his eyes, his body tensing up a bit, his fingers growing limp in the other man's hair.

'Al?' Miles slowed down his movement, his hand retracting from Alex's member. It was crazy how insanely quick he realised that something was wrong, that Alex snapped out of it in an instant.

'I'm-' Alex wasn't sure what to say. He wasn't sure of his feelings, didn't know if it was all too overwhelming or if it was just so new he began to feel scared out of nowhere. Maybe it was the alcohol that got shaken up in his stomach, or it was the simple fact that they were in the middle of doing something they could never take back or forget about. Maybe he was just scared of tomorrow, of the things that will bubble up inside of his Miles' mind when he'll sober up.

Before he realised, his lip was shaking and 3 quick tears made their way down his cheeks and onto the soft pillows.

'Oh, love.' Upon seeing Alex's scared little face and tears escaping his beautiful brown eyes, he suddenly felt like sobbing, a big lump forming in his throat. He started to move his hips backwards in an attempt to slide out of Alex, but he caught on quickly and got a hold of the small of his back.

'No, don't, it's not that, I'm... I just... Fuck, Miles, I... ' God, he felt like sobbing right now. He knew what he wanted to say, the sudden realisation hitting him, the simple sentence playing over and over in his head but he just couldn't seem to get it out.

'It's-' Miles' voice trembled. 'It's okay, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I...' Miles couldn't talk properly either. He truly felt like he was at fault, that Alex hates this and deeply regrets what they're doing. Thoughts of losing Alex forever flooded his mind, panic spreading throughout his body. He looked in Alex's tear-filled eyes and just before he could mumble another apology, Alex spoke up.

'I love you.' He managed to choke up, his throat closing and opening up and he wasn't convinced that what he just said was audible. 'I love you.' So he said it again, for good measure, and to assure Miles that he didn't start crying because he didn't want to be there, nor because he wants them to stop what they're doing, but just because he realised something.

Miles looked at him almost dumbfounded, Alex's words being not what he expected. But as he studied Alex's face closely, looking into the eyes that stared right back at him, his eyelashes stuck together a bit, with a little fear but so much love behind them, he knew that Alex had meant those three little words.

So with a little smile on his lips, Miles said what could only be described as the words he most meant throughout his entire life:

'I love you.'

And upon hearing those words, Alex shakily inhaled and then exhaled, making Miles chuckle lightly, his cheeks rosing up. Alex followed suit, bringing his arms around Miles' torso, bumping their foreheads slightly together. They stayed like that for a couple of seconds, maybe minutes even. In that moment, they felt like nothing else existed except them, entwined together, touching everywhere, feeling so much love and adoration for each other that their hearts almost exploded.

And then, Miles started to move inside Alex just a tiny bit, to which Alex responded with a quiet moan.

'Do you want to-?' Miles didn't have time to finish the question.

'Yes... Please.' Alex smiled a little, and Miles didn't need any other confirmation. He kissed Alex's nose, making him giggle, and Miles' eyes couldn't help but tear up.

'Miles...' Alex crooned.

'I'm alright, just... happy, d'yknow?'

'Yeah. I know.' 

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