Tender Is the Night

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(A/N: i would recommend to listen to the song if you want to get the vibes of this chapter, especially if you don't know it, it was my inspiration behind this chapter!)

(2007, Paris)

Miles and Alex were on the balcony of the tiny Parisian apartment they rented, smoking cigarettes and sharing shy smiles. They just finished drinking their far too expensive wine and their heads were spinning just the perfect amount, creating a haze and the familiar feeling of lying on a soft cloud.

'I think it's going nice so far, innit, Al?' Miles was looking up at the black sparkly sky, wondering if they ever managed to look at the same star, without the other one knowing.

'Just nice? Ow.' Alex acted offended, putting on his best exaggerated pout, resulting in Miles laughing and throwing an arm around his shoulder, bringing Alex closer to him.

'It's only been a day. Actually, not even a full day. Need to get used to the studio, and all.' Miles confessed. He loved to take his time getting used to new surroundings and he wished they could have more than two weeks here.

'Yeah, me too. But I like it. And I like this place too. S'all cozy and that, I'm happy we have it to our own.' This is everything Alex wanted, even more than that. Same as Miles. A place, somewhere in a foreign country, where no one really knows them, they don't have friends or family there, only each other and music. The mere thought of spending two weeks with each other in a place they can collectively refer to as home, their home, to cook for each other and sleep in the same bed, laugh all day and have wine and delicious food... It was paradise, really.

'Mhm.' Miles took a drag of his cigarette and smiled bright. 'Fuck, I'm so happy.' He tilted his head so he could properly see the boy next to him.

Alex smiled even wider. 'Me too. I already never want to leave. Can we just release this album then move to some French countryside together and hide from the world, forever?' Alex half-joked. 'Please?'

'God, I wish.' Miles giggled and pressed his head close to Alex's, their hair brushing together. They could smell each other's shampoo. Which was, obviously, the same shampoo. Alex purposely didn't bring his, lying to Miles and saying he forgot it, and he hoped Miles wouldn't make the same excuse and then they would be left with nothing. It was such a bad cliché, too bad not to be executed, Alex thought. Miles knew it was a lie, of course, they both knew, but they liked to play dumb for the sake of a shared laugh.

'Stars are never this pretty back home.' And Alex was right, all the rainy clouds hiding the pretty things.

'What do you mean? You're beautiful at home too.' Miles blurted out as soon as the thought entered his mind, dragging his lips up to a childish smile and he didn't have to wait long for Alex's reaction as he threw his head back and broke into a fit of laughs, Miles following closely, his arm retracting from Alex as he laughed at his own joke.

'Wanker.' Alex laughed, shaking his head.

'C'mon, it's the city of love. Who else pays you such refined compliments, my dear?' Miles put on his northern accent, sounding a bit like a grandma saying that pet name.

'Ah, you're right, I'm very lucky indeed.' Alex followed suit and copied the accent the best he could, resulting in giggles erupting from Miles' throat.

Alex placed his hand on the rail that kept them safe on the balcony, squishing his finished cigarette on the ashtray that was perfectly balanced on the small surface, Miles finishing his at the same time. Alex watched Miles' fingers as he put his cigarette out, his eyes wandering to the two gold rings that he always wore and loved so much.

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