Safe in Your Arms

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Alex inhaled deeply, then exhaled through his nose, Miles' cologne hitting him in an instant. He smiled a little, feeling content and happy. It's been a while since they shared a moment like this – both of them always too preoccupied with not trying to give off the impression of wanting to snog each other in front of fifty people.

Without thinking about it twice, Alex puckered up his lips and gave the quickest, smallest and most adorable little kiss to Miles' mouth, pulling back just as fast as he leaned in, the sound of Miles' mouth being kissed leaving the room as soon as it entered it, as a bigger smile spread over Alex's face.

Miles found himself chuckling soundlessly, his lips turning into a smile as well. He bought one of his hands to Alex's cheek, his long and delicate fingers caressing the soft skin. Alex felt his whole head getting warmer, heat creeping up to his cheeks and was sure that Miles could feel it too. It goes without saying, this is not the first time they found themselves like this, but nevertheless, Alex never managed to get away without feeling flustered whenever Miles acted this way – whether it be a kiss on the cheek, a warm hug, their noses touching, or anything that involved their faces being close to each other. People assume that Alex is the one who's scarier, harder to approach; but in his eyes, the man standing in front of him was the intimidating one – he had this aura around him, this sexiness oozing from every part of his body that Alex couldn't ever comprehend properly, even though he knew perfectly that Miles was just as lovable and winsome as the next teddy bear in a toy store.

Naturally, Miles returned the little kiss Alex gave him – mimicking his actions perfectly, barely pecking his lips, his hand now making its way to caress Alex's head and his growing hair.

'Hmm...' Alex hummed, leaning into Miles' touch, feeling content and happy. If he could, he'd never leave this little bubble that he's in with Miles right now. He'd just stay like this, till the end of times, without a single worry in the world, engulfed with the one he loves the most, feeling adored.

'You're like a puppy.' Miles said, his accent growing thick at the last word.

'Is that your way of flirting, love?' Alex asked, a boyish smile growing on his face. Miles laughed a bit, careful not to do it too loudly, not wanting to disturb this little peace and quiet that they created for themselves.

'You started it, la.' He referred to the little peck Alex gave him just moments ago.

'S'pose you're right. But you did continue it.'

'Would you have preferred it any other way?'

'Is the sky green?'

They looked into each other's eyes. Or, they tried to, as their eyes drifted to each other's mouths more. God, they wanted to kiss each other so bad. And not like as before, not only for a mere second. But, as always, they were synchronised, their minds thinking the same things. The alcohol didn't help. It made them feel fearless, leaving them feeling like they could do anything, and they'd get away with it tomorrow morning.

Miles really pondered on giving in. He looked at Alex's lips again, just for a moment, and then back at his eyes. The man in front of him looked irresistible, but God damn it, he was his brother.
Alex didn't even realise how long he was staring at Miles' lips. Neither of them moved, only their chests rose and fall. Should he do it? He wants to, more than anything in the world, but God damn it, he was his brother.He looked up into Miles' eyes again, only to find his cognac coloured irises staring right back at him, creating a warm feeling in his heart.

'Al.' Miles finally spoke up. His voice was incredibly soft, so much softer than before. Maybe softer than Alex ever heard it.

'Mi.' He responded, just as gently.

And so, the question of whether they should do it or not, was answered.

Miles leaned in, closing the tiny space that was left between them, kissing Alex's bottom lip. They let their lips linger on for a second or two, and then Alex started moving his, Miles following him. Alex sprawled one of his hands across Miles' back, caressing him slowly. The younger man moved his hand from Alex's hair to his cheek, holding him in an adorable way, like he was holding the most precious little diamond in the whole world.

Neither of them were kissed this way. Neither of them kissed this way. Neither of them felt this way, about anyone, ever.

Their hearts started beating so fast, they could hear and feel them. And they continued moving their lips against each other's, the feeling more intoxicating than any drug or alcohol in the world. They both tasted sweet, despite the alcohol and nicotine they consumed throughout the day.

Alex dragged his tongue against Miles' bottom lip, testing the waters, desperate to feel more of him.

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