1970𝐬, 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭

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⚠️ 🅃🅁🄸🄶🄶🄴🅁🅆🄰🅁🄽🄸🄽🄶: 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞.⚠️

It's the next day and I sit on the sofa to call Gregg. I take the telephone and call him. After few seconds I hear:


I answer:

"Hey Gregg...I'm Cher..."

I smile and he sounds pleased. We talk for a hour and we make a date. As I lie my phone to the side, I lie my head back and sigh deep. But a happy sigh. Even though I'm a bit stressed now, Gregg in my thoughts makes me feel better.

The day at the date I'm really nervous. I wear extra a wonderful dress so that I can empress him. My driver drives to him and I knock then on the door. I wait and my heart is beating crazy. But the door is still not opening and that's why I knock there again. But then opens Gregg the door and he looks a bit tired and sick and he has eye bags.

"Hey...Gregg...uhm..everything okay?"

Gregg needs a while to realise that I stand on front of him.

"Oh...hey..yes sure..I...sleep not so well...come in.."

He let me in and I go in his apartment. I watch him meanwhile when he close the door. He strokes with his hand back on his nose to snort it a bit. But I begin to talk with him. Even though he don't react so fast with the talks, I really enjoy to visit him. As I want go I ask:

"Where is the toilet? May I go there?"

With his hand he shows the direction from the toilet. I go there. But I get a shock as I come back to him. He lie on the floor, he seems unconscious and now I know what's wrong with him. On the floor I see two heroin injects. Next to them lies pulver bags. I sigh deep and I don't know if I want stay together with him when he takes drugs. The only thing I do is to call an ambulance. But after that I run back to home. I sit on the sofa and I'm kinda dissapointed in Gregg. But maybe I should talk with him. That's why I want call him again but not now. The next day I call him. We make a second date in a disco. I wait for him in front of the building and I smile as he is coming. He looks better now and more handsome. I take his hand and we dance in the disco. He holds my waist and we dance to the beat from the music. At the end from the song he pulls me close to him and I look directly in his eyes. I can't take my eyes from him away because his blue eyes turns me on.

"Do you want go with me to my Rosegarden? We have our privacy and..that would be nice.."

I stroke with my index finger over his chest and he smiles at me too

"Yes...of course I want."

But we dance a bit continue. Few hours later we drive to my home and walk to my rosegarden.

"It's beautiful here..."

I look at him

"Thank you..."

I smile and we sit on my bench. I lie my hand on the bench and his hand lies next to mine. We start to talk about few things til Gregg say:

"Uhm..i must say to you something.."

I look at him and I'm nervous what's coming now. Maybe about his feelings in front of me? I hope he has the same feeling like me. He continues:

"Well..in our first date you saw that I look a bit tired, sick and maybe weird...and I'm so sorry about that."

I lie my hand on his and say:

"You don't have to apologize...I see that you change today and I'm grateful for that."

He looks down and nods

"I want say...that I have an drug addiction on heroin and on alcohol...my band is at moment difficult because of my addiction..."

I answer immediately:

"Thank you for honesty...I mean that you say that to me..."

He look at me and smiles short.

"Do you promise me that you don't take these meanwhile our relationship?"

I ask. Gregg sighs deep and really heavy he says:

"I try...I can't promise you that this work but I try. And I try that for you."

I smile and I lie my hands on his cheeks. I look to his eyes and suddenly I kisses him passionately. I think Gregg expecting that too because he kisses me back. I unbutton his shirt and strokes over hairy chest. That tastes beautiful and I do it again and again meanwhile. Gregg pushes me meanwhile on the bench and I want that now! Him! That's why I unbutton his trouser and he slides it down. We kisses continue and he is over me. His trouser is behind his slip and I slide my trouser with my slip down. He lies his hands on my cheeks. Our eyes are closing and my hands sliding slowly down to his slip. I take his slip and slides that down. Gregg takes with his one hand a condom and makes it on. Gregg comes closer to me and we lie our hands from the cheeks from each other. But I feel how Gregg is pushing and our mouth stop kissing. Our kiss ends with a short smack. My jaw drop and I breath loud. I close my eyes and the electricity from Gregg is racing through my body. My hands sliding from his cheeks to his neck, to his back and subsequently I push my fingernails in his one buttcheek. Greggs mouth is a bit open and our mouths are few centimetres away. We start now to moan but really silent. At the end we are completely naked on the bench, Gregg is still pushing me. My legs are sticking against his hips, my hands are still on his cheeks, his hands on mine and we are kissing passionately. I think this was the craziest place where I had sex...

𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫 - 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 (𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now