New school

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                               Diana's POV:
Today is the day. The new school is waiting for me. It's currently 6AM and I just woke up. Yesterday I picked a pretty outfit to wear first day of school, it's a cute dress and some white sneakers. I wanted to make a good first impression. I'm sorry, I have to go, my foster mom is calling! I hate her so much and I can't go out with friends, not that I have friends yet but I hope it'll change soon.

Hey again, I just got back from eating breakfast. I putted on my clothes and packed my books. The clock said 7:07AM and the school starts at 8. I don't wanna be late on my first day. I quickly grabbed my jacket and my bag and ran out of the door.
I finally got to the bus station and it was 7:25AM.
I went into the bus and there was a lot of people, they were all like 3 years older than me. It was hard to find a seat but at the end of the bus I finally found one, I sat next to a guy with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, he looked kinda my age, but I was too shy to ask. He was sitting with a little black book and a pencil, I think it was a diary or something.

The bus stopped and I got out, me and the guy with the blonde hair went the same direction.
Maybe he went to the same school as me?
Yep he did. he hold the door for me as we got into the school. "Thanks" I said. He smiled and went down the hallway.

I asked a girl if she could lead me to the principal's office because I was new and he had to give me some information about the rules and classes.
"Yes ofc! I think you're gonna love this school and now you have a friend you can talk to!"
I love her energy, she's really nice.

I got to the office and the bell rings. "Here come sit down" he said. He told me all the rules. He looked at the clock
"oh, it's already 8:15"
He followed me to my first class which was biology. When I got into the class everyone looked at me.
"everybody this is Diana" the principal said. "And Diana, this is your biology teacher, mr. smith"
I smiled at the class and they said hi to me.
The principal left the class and mr. smith took over. "So Diana, would you like to tell something about yourself?" He asked
"Yeah, my name is Diana, I'm 16 years old and I like to play basketball"
"Great! Welcome to the class. You can go sit next to mr.Carroll" "Who?" I asked
"oh I forgot you don't know the names yet, the blonde guy in the back"
"Oh okay, thanks" I said.
It was the guy I met earlier, it looks like he was sleeping or something.
"Mr. Carroll! Please pay attention to the class"Mr. smith said.
"Hey you must be the new girl! I'm Jim by the way"
"hi Jim, nice to meet you"
Jim? That's a really cool name, I like it.
"So, you like to play basketball huh?" He said.
"Yes I do, I was the best on my old team"
"Cool" he smiled.
"So what about you? Is there a sport you like to play in your spare time?" I said.
"Yes, I love to play basketball like you. I'm actually on the school team"
"NO WAY? You have a school team here?" I said. "Yeah. Why do you sound so surprised?" He laughed.
"On my old school we didn't had a school team, because our teachers thought it was waste of time"
"Wait really? That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard!" "I know right!" We laughed.

It was 15:30 and the bell finally rang.
Everybody packed their things and leaved the school.
Me and Jim walked to our bus. We found two seats at the front of the bus. It turned out he lived 3 blocks away from me.

I'm sorry this chapter was a bit short <3

The basketball diaries-Jim CarrollWhere stories live. Discover now