Just a girl in the line?

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    Jim's POV:

I don't know what's going on with Diana, she has been acting so weird lately.
Maybe she's still mad about what the mean girls did. I mean I understand her but c'mon, she's a bit dramatic, anyways it looks like she's having a hard time so I have to be there for her. She is technically my girlfriend. Or is she? In fact she never said yes to be my girlfriend but c'mon, I know she likes me.
"Hey what's up buddy!" It was Mickey.
"What's up man?" We did the handshake that we made when we were little kids.
"There's a party going on tonight, wanna come?" He asked.
"Yeah of course."
"Awesome, and don't forget to bring alcohol!" Mickey said, and one second after, he was gone.
I walked around in the park and enjoyed the pretty sunset. There was quiet. I was laying on the grass with my hands under my head. The place reminds me of Diana, she's so adorable. I wish she were here right now. I hope she's okay. Maybe I should go check on her.

I reached Diana's apartment. I knocked on the door and a angry lady opened. "Who are you?" She asked. "Uhm- is Diana home?" I asked.
"I won't answer before you tell me who the fuck you are." She yelled. "Alright, alright calm down, I'm Jim. Diana's best guy friend. Now tell me, is she home?" I asked, I already knew I said way more then I should've said. She looked at me with an angry glaze. "So you're the guy she slept with huh?" She asked.
"I'm sorry what? I never slept with her." I lied. I knew me and Diana would get in serious trouble if I said I slept with her.
"We're just friends, I swear." I said.
"Come on in." She said.
"Tell me, how is Diana like in school?"
"Look, I would love to answer your questions." I really didn't but I had to sound like a good guy. "But I really need to see Diana. Where is she?"
"I don't know, I think she's in the park."
"Mhm okay.." I said. I wasn't sure if I could trust her, but at least I can give it a try and look at the park again.

I returned to the park, and there she was. It started to get dark. She was laying in the grass, looking at the stars. I decided to join her.
As I lays down she turns her head and smiled. I missed that smile, she's so adorable.
But suddenly she started crying.
"What's wrong honey?" I asked.
"I don't know, I guess I just feel kinda alone." She said and turned around.
"No sweetheart, I hope it's not about the whore thing. Because it's ridiculous, I'm sure everyone forgot it by tomorrow."
"No they don't Jim! You don't fucking get it do you?" She said.
"Everyone in the school thinks I'm a whore because I slept with you! Why aren't people mad at you? Probably because you're the hottest boy in the school! Huh? Is that really so? Because you're pretty with your ocean blue eyes and your dirty blonde hair? I don't get it. I just don't. Why is everyone after me and not you!?" She yelled. She stood up and was about to leave.
"Diana! Wait!" I yelled and quickly stood up. "This has actually happened before, and the girl who got 'who're' written on her locker is fine, everyone loves her, they forgot about it next week I promise."
"I'm sorry what!? It has happened before?
So you knew this wanna gonna happen?
Is that why you slept with me? To humiliate me? Am I just a girl in the line Jim? Are you just after me to get in my pants and to hurt me afterwards? To make you look cool Jim? So tell me. Am I really just a girl in the line?" She stood with tears in her eyes and down her cheeks.
I completely messed up.
"I didn't meant it like that. And you're not just a girl in the line, I care about you Diana. And I don't want you to leave me." I said.
I took her hand but she pulled it back quickly.
"So you think I'm just gonna forgive you like that?" She said.
"Yeah, I mean I guess so"
"You are really not the boy I thought you were. Goodbye Jim."
She was about to leave.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her into me, and kissed her.
"Jim stop it!" She yelled and slapped me in my face.
She stood completely frozen with wide eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing Diana!?"
"I-I'm sorry I didn't meant to Jim."
"Get the fuck out of here!"
"Fine! I don't wanna stand here with an asshole like you!" She yelled with an angry glaze.
"Don't you fucking dare calling me an asshole you stupid whore!" I yelled. I regretted it right away.
"WHAT! You know what? I never fucking wanna see you again!" She yelled.
"And here's your ugly sweater." She took it off and threw it at me.
I yelled after her but she kept running.
Oh god. What have I done?

Sorry I haven't wrote in a very long time, I was really stressed but I will try to write more parts soon <3 I hope you liked this one.

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