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Diana's POV:
The school was finally over.
"Should I follow you home?" Jim smiled.
"No, it's okay I'll be fine" I said.
"Alright. Are you sure you're okay?" Jim asked and looked in my eyes.
"Yes of course! Why wouldn't I be okay?" I grins.
Jim was just starting at me.
"Alright, guess I'll just see ya' tomorrow then?"
"Yeah." I said.
He walked away and I started crying.
"What the hell am I supposed to do? I don't have any home" I whispered to myself.

It was almost 7PM and I just walked around in the city.
There was a man who sold something.
I went closer to see what it is.
It looks like heroin, Jim explained to me what it looks like.
The man yelled at me.
"Hey young lady! Come over here"
I started walking towards him. My whole body was shaking. I was only a couple meters away from him.
"Do you want to buy some?" He asked.
"Uhm- I don't know if that's a good idea." I said.
"Oh c'mon don't be so boring. Trust me you'll feel amazing afterwards." he said.
Fuck it. I don't know what to do anymore.
"How much does it cost?" I asked.
"First time buying heroin?" He asked.
"Yeah? How much does it cost?" I asked again.
"It's free. But only because it's your first time"
"Thanks I guess." I said and took the heroin and putted in my pocket.
"Fuck what have I done?" I asked myself.
I took the heroin and I didn't felt anything.
But after a couple of minutes i got a really bad headache.
"I-I have to lay down" I stuttered to my self.
I fell on the ground and was totally passed out.
After like 15 minutes I woke up again.
"That was literally the best feeling ever!" I yelled.
People just stared at me like I was an idiot.
Which I probably was because I just took heroin.
I don't know what happened to my life. I used to be the smart quiet girl and now I'm a homeless girl who sleeps in the park.

I ran down the street to find the man who gave me the heroin.
"Hey! You!" I yelled while running.
"Yeah? Oh you're the girl from earlier right?" He asked.
"Yeah that's right. I was wondering if you could give my some more heroin and weed?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure." He gave me a big bag with heroin, weed and 4 packs of cigarettes. I don't know why he gave me cigarettes but I've never tried them before. Maybe I should?
"Do you have a lighter?" I asked a random guy.
"Yeah?" He looked confused.
"Can I borrow it? Just for a second?" I asked.
"Alright." He said.
I sat fire to the cigarette and gave the guy his lighter back. "Thanks" I said. He just walked away.
It actually felt really good smoking cigarettes. I can't believe I've never tried it before.

I spent the next 2 hours in the park smoking cigarettes and weed. Oh man this feels so good.
I was totally out of myself.
I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was 7:15AM. I slept in my school uniform. I ran to school and almost fell on the way.
"Hey Jim!" I yelled when I saw a blonde guy walking by.
"Hey Diana. Why are your hair so messy?" He asked.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to brush my hair this morning." I smiled.
"Alright sweetie." He took his arm around my shoulder and we walked inside the school.
Luckily our first class is together. It was math which I really hate but Jim's good at it so he helps me through it, and I'm grateful for that.
I was really tired today, I barely slept yesterday.
"Excuse me Diana? Would you please pay some attention?" My teacher asked. "Oh y-yeah. Sorry." I stutter.
"What is with you today? Have you even slept?" Jim whispered to me.
"Yes Jim, I slept. I'm just a bit tired that's all." I answered. "Alright" Jim sight.

"Please go in pairs and start doing these assignments." our teacher said.
I moved my chair over to Jim's table.
We started doing the assignments.
"What's the answer of question number 3?" I asked.
"It's 376." Jim said.
"Okay thanks." I yawned.
I fell asleep with my head on the table.
"Diana! Hello? Wake up!" Jim yelled.
"What?" I said and raised my head from the table.
"The class is over now." He said.

The rest of the day went by. The bell rang out and everyone left the school.
"Wanna go to my place today?" Jim asked when we left the school.
"Yeah sure." I answered.

We got to Jim's house, in fact I wasn't even tried anymore. We got into his room but this time it was different, all the clothes was not on the floor, but in the closet and it smelled really good.
"You cleaned your room?" I asked.
"Yeah that's right. I was really bored so I thought, why not?" He grins.
I sat on his bed. He changed from school uniform, to some jeans and a black t-shirt. He looks really hot in those jeans.
"What are ya' statin' at?" He asked.
"Sorry, I just love your jeans." I grins.
He tickled me so much I could barely breath.
His hands were warm. We fell on the floor and he was now laying on the top of me. We had eye contact for a long time. It felt like 5 minutes but it was only like 20 seconds.
He stared at me with his ocean blue eyes.
Then he looked at my mouth and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. His lips were warm and soft.
I kissed him, with tongue this time. It felt amazing. We sat up without breaking the kiss. He took off my shirt. I took off his black t-shirt too and he was now shirtless, and I was sitting there with only a skirt and a bra on. He massaged my back. He ran his hand over my bra strap.
"We should remove this." He whispered.
"Yeah." I left out a soft moan.
He clicked up my bra and took it off. He threw it up on the bed. He pushed me against the floor. He zipped up his pants and I helped him  taking his pants off. He took off my skirt too. We were laying on the floor with underpants only. He took a blanket from his bed and lays it over us.

I'm sorry I haven't been writing anything lately. But I will write more parts soon <3

The basketball diaries-Jim CarrollWhere stories live. Discover now