Basketball game

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                             Diana's POV:
It's Friday morning and I'm in the bus with Jim right now, and we're on our way to the school.
"Hey Diana, I was thinking if you wanna come to my basketball competition today, it would mean a lot to me" Jim begged.
"Alright. I'll be there, when does it start?"
"At 3:15PM"
"Okay cool" I smiled

We arrived to the school and it was only 7:30
"Wanna do something fun before school starts?" Jim said.
"I don't know Jim, what where you think of?"
"Come with me!" He took my hand and started running.
"NO JIM! Where are we going? Just tell me please"
"No I can't! Sorry Diana but it's a surprise"
He's running so god damn fast! I'm a bit scared, I mean I've only known Jim for about 2 days now and I don't know what he was planning on doing.
"Okay we're here" he said and let go of my hand.
"The basketball court?" I asked confused.
"Yes! You told me you loved basket, so I thought why don't we take a game before school starts" he said and made a cute little laugh.
"Okay, that sounds fun" I said with a big smile on my face.
"Okay let's get started, let me see your skills sweetie" Jim whispered.
Did he just called me 'sweetie'? How weird.

"THINK FAST!" Jim yelled and threw the basketball. I was in my own thoughts, I barely heard what he said.
The ball hit my head and I fell into the ground.
I heard steps coming closer.
"Oh my god Diana! I'm so so sorry, I didn't meant that to happen!"
I slowly opened my eyes, Jim was right above me. He took my hand and helped me getting up on my feet's again.
He took his arm around my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't fall.

"Well that didn't ended so well" I said. We both laughed.
We went back to the school. It was 7:50
Our first class weren't together, I had geography and Jim had English. But we decided to meet at the basketball court after our lessons.
I hate geography, I'm literally so bad at it.
Well anyways, I said goodbye to Jim and I went to my class.
My geography teacher started talking about what's on the plan for today.
Meanwhile I was thinking about Jim. He's really carrying and sweet. But I don't like him in that way. Or do I? No that's crazy I've only known him for 2 days.

                               Jim's POV:
I went to my class, I had English. It's so easy and boring. And our teacher don't care what we're doing, she's always writing "important" notes up on the board. I was thinking about Diana, was she okay after I hit her in the face with a ball? I hope so.
she's really pretty, funny and sweet. I'm so glad I met her.
Our teacher gave us some easy paperwork to fill out. I was sitting in the back of the class so she wouldn't even notice if I didn't do my homework.

English was finally over, i packed my books and went outside to meet Diana at the basketball court.
She wasn't there.
I heard a yelling voice behind me
"HEY JIM WAIT!" It was Diana, I started laughing.
"What's up? Why are you late?" I asked.
"Well our stupid teacher took forever to explain the assignment and then he kept us in for 10 minutes longer!" She said, I could clearly hear she was out of breath, she might have run really fast up here.
"Well I'm glad you're here now" I smiled.
We kept eye contact for a while.
"...Anyways, should we play?" I said
"Yeah sure! Let's get started!"
I threw the ball to Diana and luckily she catches it. She runs right in front of my and score a goal right in the net
"YESS! WOHOO!" She yelled.
"Congratulations!" I laughed and clapped my hands. She bowed. "Thank you, thank you!" She said and made air kisses, Like she were a celebrity or something. It was really funny.

The bell rang and we grabbed our bags and ran to class. We both had math.
We were a bit late so when we got into class everyone just started at us.
"Well, well. Look who's late again" our teacher said, he made eye contact with me, "I'm sorry" I said. I didn't meant it but anyways. I could hear Diana laugh next to me.
We sat down next to each other. in front of me was Mickey, "yo what's up man?" Mickey said and turned around. "What's up bro"I said and we made our handshake.
"Hi, I'm Mikey!" He said and looked at Diana.
"Hi Mickey, I'm Diana, nice to meet you"
"Jim! C'mon man you haven't told me you got a girlfriend?" Mickey said and laughed.
"She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend okay?!" I said.
"Well, well, Jimmie seems a bit upset huh?" Mickey said teasingly.
"Shut up man" I said.

                             Diana's POV:
It was kinda cute the way Jim got upset. I saw he blushed. Maybe he likes me?  I don't know.
"Diana I was thinking if you wanna go to a party with me, after the basketball game?" Jim said.
I've never been to a real party before but, one time has to be the first, right?
"Yeah okay sure! But I have to go home to change clothes." I said.
"Yeah that's fine. I'll pick you up at 5 o'clock, sounds good?"
"Yes, that's perfect" I said and smiled.

"Listen up class! Today you're gonna do page 12-16 in your math book! So find your books and start"

I couldn't concentrate. I was thinking about what to wear at the party. What do people wear at parties? I had to ask Jim.
"Jim? What are you gonna wear at the party tonight?" I whispered.
"I think I'm gonna wear some jeans, black converse and a sweatshirt." He said.
"Oh okay thanks."
I kept looking at the clock, but it felt like the time was standing still.

Me and Jim sneak out of the class without our teacher saw us. When we got out in the hallway, we started laughing.
Jim took my hand and ran down to the gym.
"Jim what are we doing here?" I asked.
He looked at me and smiled. He took out some mattresses. He leaned back and fell on it.
So did i. There was silence for a little while.
We both looked up at the roof. I looked at him. He was already looking at me. He leaned forward. I almost fell down from the mattress, but Jim took his arm around me so I didn't fell. We was now laying on the top of me. We had eye contact for a while.
Then suddenly we heard someone at the door. We ran into the dressing rooms and kept quiet. When we heard the door lock again we started laughing.

The school was finally done and i went to the gym where Jim was gonna play a basketball game.

They stepped out on the field and started playing.
After 1 hour it said 6-2 to our team!

The game was done and I ran down to Jim to say congratulations!

The basketball diaries-Jim CarrollWhere stories live. Discover now