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Diana's POV:

We finally reached the school and there were nobody outside, it's weird because there are always tons of people smoking outside the school before their class starts.
"Where's everybody?" Jim asked.
"I don't know, let's go inside."
When we got inside, everyone was standing around a locker, I tried to look closer and it was my locker, why do they all stand there.
I sighed and tried to get though the people. When I got closer there was written something on my locker.
"There she comes!" Sophie laughed.
I looked at my locker and there was written with big letters, 'WHORE' I looked around and everyone was laughing. I could feel the tears press against my face. "What the hell is this?" I yelled. Sophie came. "we found out that you slept with Jim. And you didn't told us anything, what a friend." Sophie said and rolled her eyes.
"Ugh stop playing dumb, we all know you slept with Jim. Fucking whore."
I looked at Jim, he looks like he didn't heard anything about what they said.
Everyone started laughing and yelling "whore!" I got so mad that I punched Sophie right in the face. "What the fuck are you doing?" She yelled. She hold her hands over her cheek.
She looked up and gave me an angry glaze.
She punched me in my stomach, it hurts so much. She punched me again so I fell on the floor. Everyone laughed. Some guy he offered to help me up. "Yes, thank you." I said. He took my hand and when I was almost up he let go of my hand and I fell straight to the floor again, my head hurts so much. He started laughing at me. "Loser!"  I got up on my feet's and ran out of the school while crying. Jim ran after me.
"Stop following me!" I yelled and kept running.
He reached me and took my arm. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Of course I'm not okay!"  I yelled. "What have you told them?" I asked.
"What have you told them!?"
"Nothing! I don't know what you're talking about. "
"Of course you know what I'm talking about. How do those girls know about you and me? I didn't told them! And you were the only one who knew." I said.
"Diana I swear, I haven't told them anything about us! Stop blaming me." He yelled.
I didn't knew what to say.
"I'm going home Jim. I'm sorry."
"I'm going with you."
"No Jim, stay. I'll be fine."
"Mmh okay..." he said.
"And just to make it clear I didn't told the girls about us."
"Yeah yeah." I said.
I started walking home. It was cold. On my way home it started snowing. I love snow, but I just got kicked out so it's gonna be cold. I think I may have to find a place to sleep inside.
I spent the whole day walking in the park. I looked at the clock, the school ends now. I started walking towards Laura's house. She's probably mad because I didn't tell her about me and Jim. She wasn't supposed to find out that way. But I can at least give it a try.
I knocked on her door. Her mom opened.
"Hey, I'm Laura's friend. Can I talk to her for a second?" I asked.
"Yeah sure. Laura! Come downstairs, there's somebody here who wants to talk to you."
I could hear Laura's steps on the stairs.
When she came out in the hallway, she looked at me with a disappointing look.
"What do you want?" She crossed her arms.
"Can I talk to you real quick?"
"Ugh, fine. Come in."
Her mom went out in the kitchen.
"Could I maybe stay here for a while?" I asked and looked down.
"What do you mean? A couple hours or?"
"No, I got kicked out of my home and I have nowhere to sleep."
"Why don't you just go ask Jim, you two are used to sleep together, am I right Diana?" She raised her eyebrows.
I sighed.

I stood in front of Jim's from door. I took a deep breath. I was about to knock on the door. I can't. I can't do it. I ran away so he wouldn't see me. I ran to the park. I cried so I ran while looking down so no one would see me cry.
Suddenly bumped into someone, I looked up. It was Jim.  "Why are you crying sweetheart?" He asked. "It doesn't matter."
"It does matter! Now tell me what's wrong." He hugged me. "Get off of me!" I pushed him away and ran. "Diana! Wait!" He ran after me.
I ran as fast as I could but Jim was so much faster than me. Suddenly while I looked back I fell. Jim ran up to me. "Diana, what is wrong? Why are you mad?" He asked and put his hand on my back. "I just lost my only friend, and now the whole school thinks I'm a whore because I slept with you." I looked down.
He hugged me. "It's gonna be okay honey, I swear." He kissed my forehead.

The basketball diaries-Jim CarrollWhere stories live. Discover now