The party

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Diana's POV:
After the basketball game me and Jim went home. He followed me to my door.
"Bye, I'll see you at the party" Jim said.
"N-no wait" I said and looked down
"What's wrong Diana? Are you okay?" Jim said and looked me into my eyes.
"No Jim, my foster mom would never let me go to a party!" I said and looked down at my feet's.
"You don't even have to tell her" Jim said.
"W-what are you talking about?" I said
"Come, let's go to my place"
"But what about the clothes?"
"We'll find out" Jim said and hugged me.
"It'll be alright, I swear" Jim whispered.
He took my hand and started walking.
We got to his apartment.
"Are you sure this is okay?" I said
"Yes ofc honey, no one's home anyway" Jim said.
He opened the door into his room, it was messy but I don't care. I sat on his bed.
He took his shirt off. "Wow-wow what are you doing jerk-ass?" I said
"I'm just changing my clothes dummy? For the party, remember?"
"Oh yeah, sorry" I laughed.
"It's okay, don't think about it" Jim said.
"But what am I gonna wear? I cannot wear my school uniform to a party! That's so embarrassing" I said.
"Don't stress about it!" Jim said.
He walked to his closet and pulled out one of his gray sweatshirt.
"Here you can borrow this" Jim said and smiled.
"Thanks Jim" I smiled.
"What about pants and shoes?" I asked.
"Hold on. I'll go check and see if my sister has some pants you can borrow" He left the room and I was looking around.
He came back with a pair of pants. I tried them on and they fit perfectly, he left again and came back with a old pair of converse.
"These are my old shoes" he blushed. "I hope you can use them" he said.
"Thank you Jim, you're the best"
I put on all the clothes and looked in the mirror, it was perfect!

It was 5PM and we left the house.
It was already dark outside.
We started walking and some guys came up to us. "Do you know them Jim?" I whispered.
"No, no I don't" he said. They came closer and Jim took my hand and squeezed it because he could see I was scared.
The guys was only a few meters away and one of them yelled "what's up hottie?" And looked at me. I stood behind Jim because I was scared.
"EY! Don't talk to her like that, asshole" Jim yelled.
"Calm down man, she's so hot, everyone wants a taste of that mmmm" one of the boys said.
Jim squeezed my hand, looked at me and nodded. He let go my hand and walked up the the boys. He hit one of them right in the face! "DONT EVER TALK TO HER LIKE THAT! DONT YOU GET IT YOUR FUCKING ASSHOLE" Jim yelled and ran back to me. He took my hand and said "run!" We ran as fast as he could, the boys kept following us. Jim suddenly pulled me behind a tree. Hugged me tight, and looked for the boys. They ran right past us. We were lucky they didn't saw us.
I looked up and stared into his ocean blue eyes. He smiled. We started walking again.

We finally arrived to the party. There was loud music. We went inside and there was a lot of people, it was only 6:13 and people were already drunk. Some creepy guys whistled after me. I didn't felt save. We got into the living room and some people where having sex. We ran out again! Some random guy hit me in my ass "EW WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled right in his face. Jim looked back and gave the guy a death stare "I- I'm sorry" the guy said.
"Idiot" Jim said.
Jim pulled me out of the house. We went for a walk in the forest. We were just talking and having a good time. We went into the park, Jim stopped up. I looked back. He lay down in the grass. He offered me to do the same, so I did. We looked at the stars. There was a lot.
he looked at me, I looked at him. He leaned forward and I could feel his lips on mine. His lips were soft and it felt like feathers. It was lovely. I can feel his tongue in my mouth. He lays down on me without moving his lips from mine. He hugged me and lays his head on my chest. I played with his soft blonde hair.
And suddenly, we fell asleep

The basketball diaries-Jim CarrollWhere stories live. Discover now