A new friend

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                             Diana's POV:

I broke the kiss.
"I have to tell you something Jim." I said.
"What is it darling?" He smiled.
"It's just, you know."
"Know what?" Jim asked.
"I'm a virgin." I said.
"What?" Jim looked at me with his eyes wide open.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't told you." I looked down and started crying.
"Diana don't cry, don't be ashamed of it. It's okay." He said and hugged me.
"But I am ashamed of it Jim! Don't you get it?" I said. The tears was burning down my cheeks.
"Honey, relax! It's okay! It's not like you're the only virgin in the school." He said with a smile.
"I'm not?" I asked and looked up.
"No of course not" he said and removed the tears from my face, with his soft hands.
"I wanna change it." I said.
"You what?" Jim looked confused.
"I'm sick and tired of people making fun of me because I'm a virgin. So I wanna change that."
"Are you sure Diana? It hurts a bit first time but if you're sure that this is what you want then alright."
What have I done? Did I seriously just asked Jim to take my virginity?
I took off my underwear and so did Jim.
"Do you have any protection?" I asked.
"Sure, hold on." He grabbed a box from his table, he took out a little red bag. He opened it.
Fuck, what have a done? I'm gonna have the hot guy inside of me? Oh my god where did the old Diana go? What happened to my life? I'm a homeless teenager and I'm about to have sex with a guy for the first time.
"Alright, it's all done." Jim said.
"What's done?"
"You know." Jim said.
"Oh. Yeah right, I forgot." I said.
"Are you ready?" Jim asked.
"I guess." I grins.

"Auch! It hurts!" I said.
"I'm sorry. Should we stop?"
"No, no it's fine."
"But if it hurts, we should stop." Jim said.
"...alright" I said.
What the fuck did I just said? I said no when he asked to stop? What is wrong with me.
We got up from the floor and put on our clothes. None of us said anything.
"Wanna go for a walk?" Jim asked.
"Sure." I answered.
"Let's go then."

"Are you gonna walk in that?" Jim asked.
I looked down, I was wearing my ugly school uniform.
"Shut up Jim" I grins.
"Here you can borrow some of my clothes."
"No thanks, I'm good." I said.
"Well at least borrow a sweater, it's cold outside sweetie." He said and hugged me.
He gave me a light gray sweatshirt.
"C'mon, let's go sweetheart." Jim said and puts his arm around my shoulder.

We've been walking for like 2 hours and I was really tried.
"Shit, it's almost 7PM." I said.
"Yeah, you're right."
"I have to go home now." I said.
"Alright, good night sweetie." Jim said and kissed my forehead.

I decided to go back home, I can't live on the streets anymore. I still hate my foster mom but I wanna go back.

I'm almost home and I'm scared to see my foster mom again.
She's probably gonna yell at me and kick me out again.
Anyways, I'm standing in front of the door.
"Okay Diana, calm down, it's gonna be fine." I whispered to myself.
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. No one opened, was she even home?
The door opened slowly.
"Who is this?" My foster mom said.
"Uh, hey. It's me, Diana." I whispered.
"What the fuck do you want?"
I took a deep breath.
"Can I move back, please?" I asked.
"Alright. But you only get one chance, if something happens, you're out again. Is that understood young lady?" She said.
"Yeah, thank you."
"Now go to bed, you have school tomorrow." She said.
I walked into my bathroom and started brushing my teeth. I nearly fell asleep. I was so tired.
"Good night." I said.
"...good night."
I walked into my bedroom and putted on some comfy clothes.

I was laying in my bed and I can't sleep.
I couldn't stop thinking about Jim just took my virginity. I wonder how he felt. Is he used to it? It's definitely not his first time doing it.
My eyes slowly closed and 2 minutes after I was sleeping in my warm bed.

"Diana! It's time to wake up." My foster mom yelled from the kitchen. I got up and putted on my school uniform.
I ate quick breakfast and and brushed my teeth.
I went to the bus station, the bus was late.
I saw a blonde tall guy a few meters away. Who was it? I looked closer, oh fuck. It's Jim.
"Uhm hey." Jim said.
"So, how are you?" Jim asked.
"I'm fine, thanks. What about you?"
It was really awkward.
"I'm alright." Jim answered.
We looked around and waited for the bus, i tired not to make eye contact with Jim.
The bus finally came.
I didn't wanted to sit next to Jim because that would be way to awkward.
But of course there wasn't enough seats so we had to sit together.
"You know, yesterday?" Jim asked.
"I don't want it to be awkward. It's always awkward after the first time." Jim laughed.
"Yeah, you're right. Let's just act like it never happened." I said.
We gave each other a hug and I know I said that we should act like it never happened, but of course I couldn't forget it. I tried to forget it and just move on.

The bus was at the school and me and Jim stepped out.
It was really cold, I was shaking.
"Are you freezing?" Jim asked.
"Yeah, a little bit." I answered.
He took of his jacket and putted it around me.
"Thank you." I smiled.
He smiled back.
Our first class weren't together.
"Bye, I'll see you at lunch." Jim said and kissed my forehead.
"Bye Jim." I smiled.
He squeezed my hand and walked into his class, so did I. My first class was math, and I didn't had Jim to help me. Guess I'll just ask someone else for help.
"Excuse me? Hi, uhm can you help me with these assignments?" I asked the girl I was sitting next to.
"Yes of course."
"Thank you." I smiled.

She helped me with the assignments and we were done quickly so we just talked.
"So, do you have a crush?" She asked me.
"Maybe, what about you?" I asked, even though I had a crush on Jim, I didn't wanted to tell her.
"My crush is Jim." She said.
"Who?" I asked.
"Jim Carroll. He's just so hot." She said.
I didn't knew what to say.
"Don't you find him cute?" She asked me.
"I- I don't know."
I couldn't tell her that me and Jim has something together.
"I would fuck him if I could." She said.
"What!" I yelled with my eyes wide open.
"Can I ask you something?" She said.
"Yeah, I guess." I answered.
"Are you a virgin?" She asked.
"...no" I looked down.
"Oh my god! Who took your virginity?" She asked.
Should I tell her, Jim did it? Or would I just ruin her dream?
"You don't know him." I said.
"Oh okay."
"Are you a virgin?" I asked.
"Yeah. It sucks." She said.
I just nodded.

The class rang out and I started walking to the lunch cafeteria.
"Hey Jim." I said and sat down.
"Hi Diana." He smiled.
"How was your first class?" He asked.
I quickly lays my head on his lap under the table.
"Honey what are you doing?" He asked while playing with my hair.
"Shh!" I yelled.
"Sorry." He grins.
"Is she gone?" I asked.
"Who's gone?" Jim asked.
"It's just a girl I met in class." I said.
"Alright, and why exactly are you hiding from her?" Jim asks.
"She can't see that I'm hanging out with you."
"Why not? Are you ashamed of me?" Jim grins.
"No Jim, she's hopelessly in love with you." I said.
"Oh, is that so?" Jim said.
"Which girl is it?" He asked.
I looked up.
"It's the girl with brown hair and a light brown sweatshirt." I said.
"Hey!" Jim yelled and waved to her.
"Hi?" She said. Her face was all red.
"What the fuck are you doing Jim!" I asked.
"Inviting her over, it'll be hilarious." He grins.
"You're such an asshole Jim." I said and hide under the table.
The girl was almost at our table and she looks like she just dipped her face in red paint.
"H-hey." She said.
"What's your name?" Jim asked.
"I-it's Laura." She looked down.
"So, how are you?" Jim asked.
"I'm fine. How are you?" She answered.
"I'm great, thanks."
It was so hard not to laugh, their conversation was so awkward.
"Well, I have to go." Laura said.
She walked away and Jim started laughing.
He helped me up from the floor.
"Jim I'm gonna fucking kill you, if you do that again." I said.
"Alright, honey." He smiled and kissed me on my lips.
I couldn't stop smiling, he's just so sweet.
"Let's skip class." Jim said.
"What? No Jim." I answered.
"What do you have in next class?" Jim asked.
"I have geography, why?"
"I know you hate geography, let's just skip class, alright?" Jim said.

After lunch, me and Jim ran out of the school area. We're not allowed to do that but oh well.
"Are you hungry?" Jim asked.
"No, not really. We just had lunch." I answered.
"Yeah, but we can buy an ice cream." He smiled.
"Sure." I smiled back.
We went to the city to buy an ice cream.
"Maybe we should just share one." I said.
"Yes, that's a good idea."
"One ice cream please, with chocolate and vanilla." Jim said.

We got the ice cream and it was really big, how are we supposed to eat this when we don't have much time?
"Hurry up Diana!" Jim yelled.
We laughed.
"I think we need to go back to the school now." I said.
Jim took my hand and we started walking.

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