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"This is Three Dog on The Patriot News Broadcast giving you the latest scoop on what's going on Earth and Remnant! There is a lot to say today so I'll just get to the point this time."

"The first story of the day, President 6, aka Y/n Schnee, has started attending a new school- Beacon Academy. It is believed that the young Pres. wants to learn the honorable trade of the Huntsman. That cat is already a powerhouse, so seeing him become a Huntsman... *whistle* he is gonna be one tough cookie when he graduates!"

"Our next story, many faunus from all over Remnant have moved to Menajerie and applied for citizenship as New Americans. Since 6 months ago, Mantle's faunus population has dropped 76% and nearly all of those people have applied for citizenship. And it's no wonder with how poorly they were treated there in Mantle and how shitty that place is."

"In other news, soda,... pop? 🎼 soddy pop, soddy pop! Oh soddy, soddy pop, pop! Nuka~Cola has become the No. 1 soft drink in Remnant, with Sunset Sarsaparilla as a close 2nd. A favorite hard mix in Remnant is Nuka-and-Deathstalker Rum, better known as a Nuka~BR. The Menajerie Nuka~Cola World Has had an average of more than 2,400 people a day since its grand opening. Nuka Cola merch is flying off the shelves and some are collecting Blue Star Sunset Sarsaparilla caps. Seems like we all could bond over a n(ice) cold soda. Now your favorite sodas can be found anywhere soda is sold."

"Remnant born New American citizens have been going thru the portal and touring New Vegas and apparently loving every second of it! Accept those who have bad luck and a bad poker face, haHAA!"

"Businesses between Earth and Remnant have been growing closer as they have been making trade deals. And thanks to some bright minds from both worlds, many new businesses have opened up. One example is Iron Patriot Cybernetics and Robotics. Mr Handy's, Ms. Nanny's, mini-securitrons, citizen level eyebots, citizen level pip-boy's have flown off the shelves. They have even supplied new prosthetics, medical bots and implants to medical centers all over."

"Human, mutant, ghoul, synth, sentient robots and faunus relationships have been coming along greatly. Love and friendship in New America has been blossoming... Sometimes a little to well, as some racist tourists have gotten their teeth teeth knocked in. According to Piper, a reporter for the Enclave-New Vegas Post, drunken humans from Atlas went to New Vegas in the Lucky 38 and started given this poor bunny faunus a hard time, and an off duty Enclave Soldier Commander Betsy beat the snot out of em with the help of all the people in the bar. When the other tourists asked why the humans and ghouls would do that, one ghoul in an old time colonial outfit came forward and said, 'All men are created equal, that also goes for faunus. And since she is American,... You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. Now remember that, and try to be a Goodneighbor from now on.' The tourists were later arrested and are currently being detained."

"And speaking of racism and arrests, Jacque Schnee, head of The Schnee Dust Company, has been arrested for a number of reasons involving his Faunus staff. Overworking them, underpaying them, abusing them, branding them, torturing them, no vacations, no healthcare, sexual harassment and abuse, abandoning workers trapped in cave ins to die and even reports of executing and assassinating workers who 'betray' or try to bring to light what horrors the company has occurred."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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