Atlas (Got) Mugged

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Much had happened since y/n and company had arrived about 2 months ago. The Zetan mothership was completed and brought to Remnant. The people of Menajerie ceded New America and many Faunus were more than happy to join the Enclave and many job openings that America had.

Nuka World 2.0 was about 2 weeks from completion. The Faunus and human relationships had spread like wildfire. Shawn got himself a girlfriend that was a 7' cow Faunus who has big, F-cup tits that could be milked and a cow tail and white hair.

The bald eagle faunus turned out to be a young man named Steve Rodgers. He seemed to favor a shield. The Enclave had it in the works to make him as the poster boy and the first of the Huntsman Elite Corp. of The Enclave.

Then there was the Dust Testing Facility that had been erected a week after the Battle for Menajerie against the Grimm. That was not far from the New American Dust Quarry.

No diplomats from Atlas or the other Kingdoms had met with them yet, but plenty of reporters who now understood who the Americans were and what they were after.

Y/n had finally beaten back his wretched and eternal foe... "Paperwork The Most Loathsome Hydra". And he did it with his mighty Pen of FUCK OFF!

Y/n pulled out an ice cold Nuka-Cola from the mini fridge, that was built into the left side of his desk, and spiked it with 2 shots of whiskey and added 2 tablets of mentats. Then he started chugging. The beverage made him feel smart, refreshed, and not so agitated.

Then a man entered the room, a Follower of America. His lab coat had looked like all the other ones that had been made by them. They were black, but with a huge "E" on the back with 50 tiny stars in a circle around it and red and white stripes beneath it, which took up the whole of the back of the lab coat.

FoA: Mr. President! Please come with me. We have had an incredible break-through with our resources! And the radiation!

6 got up and made his way over, following the FoA. He arrived at a desk within the large DTF building, facing a Remnatian computer. The image of a dull grey, dust crystal on the screen.

FoA: This is what Atlas refer to as "Unidentified Dust Sample 7." We were testing it out and found something out........ IT ACTS AS A SPONGE AND SUCKS IN NUCLEAR RADIATION! With some help, I can create a device that will be deployable and will suck up every ounce of radiation in the surrounding area depending of a minimum of 200 feet and a maximum of 10,000 feet! If we make enough of the devices I am proposing, we can de-radiate ANY place in all of the wastes!

6 was dumbfounded! To think that this new world had dust that could solve the issue of irradiated land! A miracle in itself!

FoA: If you allow further experimentations and for us to move to human and ghoul trials, we can look into removing radiation and reversing ghoulification among other terrible mutations.

6:.... Outstanding. I want EVERY OUNCE of this dust to be mined up. As for your request for human and ghoul trials? Remember law 115; scientific trials on sentient life must be done willingly or on "Wretched Ones".

FoA: I remember. "Wretched ones are prisoners like captured Caesar's Legionaires, Fiends, and other seriously and raiders who are beyond saving."

6: Exactly. Now then, what was this about the resource solution?

The Follower lit up like the fourth of July with all of his excitement. Then, shaking in pure excitement, he lead President 6 over to a large area outside.

2 very large cylinders that were side-to-side separately held green and tan colored dust that seemed to connect to a single cylinder that lead to a giant metallic box.. Then there were 2 large platforms that were about twice as long as a schoolbus and equally wide with some kind of large box like lid that looks like they go up over that platform and can be brought down to essentially "cover" that platforms.

FoA: This is what we have all come to call "Resourcius Infinitum" or RI. The left hand platform, we can place lumber, palates of bricks, metal ingots of any kind, barrels of dust, scrap circuits, power cells, crates of coal, canisters of fuel, ore of any kind, or ANY RESOURCE AT ALL can be placed on there and be PERFECTLY CLONED on the right panel. And the material does NOT deteriorate no matter how many times you make a copy of a copy of the resources! Thus, the answer to our dying world! No more living off scraps or harming the Earth or Remnant to get it done!

6 was, again, utterly gobsmacked. All that he needed now was for someone to figure out how to make "Project Energy Pheonix" come to life. That was the project to create a perfectly green generator that can be applied to vehicles, buildings and facilities to avoid another fuel war and provide energy, freely to all. Best part? We can clone the Dust needed to restock this invention. We can use the device to use a tenth of the overall dust in the cylinders to generate 2 whole canisters of the dust types to fuel this machine!!!

(A/n: Essentially I'm saying that it can supply its own self. It takes a cylinder of green dust and another of tan dust to create 1 cloning canister aka fuel tank. 1 cloning canister can be used to create 10 cloning canisters in total. This means you can clone whatever you want as much as you want without worry. Thus the name it was given is "Resourcius Infinitum")

6: Can this be used to clone humans, ghouls, faunus, supermutants, synths, nightkin, power armor, vehicles, ammunition, and weapons?

FoA: I'm sorry sir. We tried sentient trials and anyone who went in had a mangled corpse for a clone. The originals lived though. As for the rest, we can. But that would cut into the jobs we have for making such things.

6: I see... Good thinking. We will resort to that in a state of emergency or preparation of war. Great work! I  want both of these projects you have shown me to keep going and I want more scientists and workers getting this off the ground. Failure is NOT an option. Produce more Resourcius Infinitum structures, maximum of 20, minimum of 12, for now.  And no want some of the D-Vac's made and tested out on irradiated ground!

FoA: YES SIR!!! For America!

Y/n had just kicked up another episode of Adventure Time on Netfilx when this blonde little bitch in glasses and a white uniform blew up the wall that held the tv.

6: That was a 70 inch.... plasma screen tv. *pissed off inhale thru teeth.* So how can I help you?

Atlesian: You must be the great President 6.

6: Suuup!

Blonde fuck: I've heard quite alot about you.

6: Oh really?

Blonde: The Guardian of the Wastes, who glides thru oceans of blood. Beyond human. A badass cyborg who casts a badassery upon John Wick himsel-

6; Oh you dirty bitch, work the shaft!!!

Atlesian: Ex...cuse you?

6; Oh,  I'm sorry.  I like to dirty talk when someone is SUCKING MY DICK!

Atlesian: Perhaps I should just skip to the point. My name is Luke Valentine of the Atlesian Special Ops.

6: And I'm the Mysterious Stranger, GUESS WHERE I WENT?!

Luke: I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you here.

6: oh, so am I. And I'm failing. And I'm sorry for that. It's just that I'm so agitated. Because this blonde little shit strolled into my room, destroyed my 70 INCH... PLASMA TV, and is trying to impress me like I'm his alcoholic father.

The huntsman and Special Ops agent lunged forward with his gun drawn and pointed at the (hair colored, eye colored) young man with seemingly inhuman reflexes, but was surprised when he found a plasma defender pointed at his dick in that same instant.

6; be a sport and grab daddy another beer, would you?

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