🎼Taking Care O' Vegas!

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Your coffee is being brewed by a Mr. Gutsy that the Boomers gave the the badass president with (e/c) eyes.

(A/n: I changed it so you all can have whatever eye color you want, same as the hair, any colors you want...except white hair for story purposes.)

It was a birthday gift from Veronica you had just turned 17 last month. He was given the programming of a Mr. Handy in addition to his combat programming. His name is Sebastian. He likes cats and I gave him a bowler hat to wear, as well as a magnetic bow tie.

Sebastian: Your coffee is ready Mr. 6.

Me: Thanks.

You walk around the kitchen table, to the fridge, to pull out your breakfeast.

You see, on your way over, everyone else was seated. Going clockwise from 6'oclock is as followed:

Left side: Cass, Boone, Arcade Gannon, Raul

Other end: Grandma Lily sitting on a custom made, steel chair.

Right side: Arcade, Veronica, Christine, and your adopted daughter Melody.

"Where the FUCK is my Deathclaw omelette?"

Everyone at the table, and Sebastian, look at Arcade. He realizes his mistake of having ate 6's omelette.

Arcade quickly picked the plate up and threw it at the wall behind him and put on a flawless poker face as 6 looked over to him in surprise as he heard a crash.

Arcade: *flatly*....I have no idea.

6 bought the obvious lie because he was  hungover, not in the right frame of mind due to the nightmare.  And to top off that shit sundae, he was tired beyond measure, because all day and night yesterday, he was having an epic battle against a most fearsome, ferocious, unrelenting force of an arch-nemesis!

And that unholy spawn of Satan and a demented fucking hydra was.......


You sat down at the table with a bottle of whiskey, a Nuka Cola, a pack of mentats, a syringe of med-x, and a Salisbury steak.
You crushed 2 mentat tablets and dropped the crushed mentats into the bottle, then adding 2 shots of whiskey and a quarter dose of med-x in to the ice cold soda, to relieve himself of his hangover.

You looked at the people around the table as your 12 year old daughter Melody came over, Sgt. Teddy in hand, she hoped up onto your lap as you cut your steak.

Melody: Good morning daddy!

6: Morning sweetheart. Were you a good girl for gramma Lily?

She nodded. You looked to the nightkin in the room.

Lily: pumpkin behaved, like a good little girl.

You looked all around at the table while giving the former-Legion-slave, you called daughter, a hug and a kiss on her head which caused her to giggle.

Everybody looked happy.

ED-E, your robotic companion that you repaired after your first visit to Primm (which you visited immediately after returning from The Divide) who follows you like he was your own shadow, floated next to the toaster, having a delightful conversation about how to burn the world in a fiery apocolypse... again.

Muggy was gleefully washing various collector mugs that you bought from vendors or found in your adventures.

You looked over to the corner, where Rex, Roxy, and their Cyberpups laid on an XL dog bed next to Gabe's, and they too seemed content with simply being here. Yes, in your heart, your soul, and your mind, this was their home. This was your home.

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