A Grimm Battle

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I ran out to the center of town. Ghira right behind me. Kali went to gather the  people of Menajerie and get them to a safe house. I found a vertibird in the air that was searching in the sky to see our enemies numbers.

Capt. Price: Well Mr. President, I don't know what those abominations are. None of us do. Never seen a mutant animal or bug like the things coming at us.

Me: So, they are the Grimm.

I pull out the Grimm Almanac that I was given by chief Ghira. I pull out my fully modded Anti-Material Rifle and balance it in one hand. I look from the scope, to the book, point at new targets, rinse and repeat.

Me: in the sky is Griffens, Nevermores, Dreadbats, and Lancers. I wanna see what would win between a lancer and 3 Cazadores. On the ground I spy 3 knuckelavee, boarbatusks, Beowulves, Goliaths and a giant Chimera.

Random soldier: These aren't our people

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Random soldier: These aren't our people. This isn't American land. Let's get outta here and save oursel-

The Enclave soldier got interrupted by a soldier in Hellfire Armor saying, "We cant just abandon these people. These 'Faunus' need our help too. Besides, our PRESIDENT, the biggest and baddest motherfucker of America is here and ready to fight. Right Mr. President?"

I am gonna have to get that guy a raise for setting me up for a perfect speech.

"Yes! I am! And you all want to know why?!" I shout for all to hear. Making certain to earn nthe attention of every Soldier and faunus and huntress and Huntsman on the island.

Major Tom: Why Mr. President 6?

"Because I am Enclave! We are Enclave! We are the defenders of America and her ideals! America is the land of the free and home of the BRAVE! Where there is liberty and JUSTICE for for all! Who is of the people, for the people! The greatest and most powerful  nation of our world! If we turn and run, are we brave?!"

All Enclave: SIR, NO SIR!!!

"Would we be carrying out justice to leave these innocent people to die?!"

All Enclave: SIR, NO SIR!!!

"Then ready yourselves men!  Let's show those beasts, these Grimm, the power of the Enclave, the power of America!!! Show this world not to tread on us!!!"

All Enclave: Yes Sir, Mr. President 6, sir!

"Take up 'Army Buster'- position 2!"

Most of the soldiers lined up in 3 positions. A row of 23 in the middle line. And about 90 paces to either side is 23 more soldiers in diagonal lines. Looking from above,the lines would look like the bottom half of a hexagon.

4 men plant over 100 c4 bricks strategically before getting back on their vertibirds

The line up for each of these lines is as followed, from left to right:

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