I Remembered That I Forgot to Remember

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(A/n: Do you see the New Vegas reference in the title? Here's a hint; it has something to do with a companion.)

The gunfight had kicked off when the 2 opponents pulled their triggers. The Courier tilted his head to the left to avoid the electric dust round. But Luke took the plasma shot square into the aura over his forehead courtesy of our Plasma Spaz, then jumped backwards off the desk he had just been crouching atop of.

Before Luke could even register just how much of his aura the exchange had cost him, the (hair colored) Slayer had stood up, lifting up the oak table that Luke had been on, and into the air. Luke, who had quick-drew his shotgun and fired off 2 rounds at the hero, had both slugs embedded into the desk before the Courier roundhouse-kicked the airborne desk thru the room and at Luke. A shame Luke wasn't a Shotgun Surgeon like our dear Commando

Luke turned his shotgun into its mini-chainsaw form and cut the table in 2 with an upward swipe. Causing the halves to pass him on either side and crash into the wall behind him. As a shower of finally finished paperwork rained down all across the room, 2 laser rounds from a laser pistol knocked the shotgun-chainsaw and pistol from Luke's hands and polished off his remaining aura.

Thus, leaving Luke Valentine standing there in bewilderment. The Laser Commander held him up with a laser pistol in one hand and a plasma defender in the other, glaring daggers at the Ace Op with his (eye colored) orbs.

This whole scenario played out in 7 seconds.

Luke dove for his weapons and came up with a roll. The Gunslinger opened fire. Most shots were either blocked or dodged by the Ace Op. Giving him time to recover some of his aura.

The Cowboy soon ran out of plasma cartridges and energy cells. So he pulled out Lucky and That Gun and opened fire. This time, Luke got wise and dove behind a half of the desk that he had cut earlier. As the cylinders ran empty, the Demolition Expert pulled out a Holy Frag Grenade, waited 3 seconds, and threw the legendary explosives at the blonde haired cunt with a "Heave Ho!"

Luke had just reloaded his weapon and was about to jump out and over the half of the table he had taken covered behind when the grenade had fallen to his face level.

"Aww, Fuck!"

The Holy Hand Grenade exploded in his face.

As all of this was going down, outside the office, 3 guards were stationed in their 00X-2 Power Armors. One was listening to his new scroll. The song was written and sung by a little boy from Remnant, one who had gone missing not long after the song premiered. The boy had had a choir of humans and faunus behind a curtain until it was their turn to sing. The song was made to inspire the people of remnant to become closer and become better people, doing better things, by doing one simple task, a task that would help shorten and eventually absolve the divide between humans and faunus. The song was called "Man in The Mirror." (A/n: which is actually a Michael Jackson song I love.) When that song came out, the people of Remnant were moved and it actually caught on and went quite a ways into dissolving the racism. As for the other two-

Enclave Soldier 1: Hey.

Enclave Soldier 2: Yeah?

ES1: You ever wonder why we're here?

ES2: It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night.

Fallout: New America And Remnant (Courier 6 Male Reader x Fallout X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now