Who are you, who know not your own history? part 1

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Authors note: Just a teaser for y'all. And please know that I never abandoned you. Just don't have free internet and rarely get on.

Hello! Hi there! My name is Yes Man! I am your secretary and right hand robot. I am here to remind you, President 6,  of everything you have accomplished since Benny shot you in the head.

When Benny shot you twice in the head, you lost a lot of your memories. The only things you remembered for certain, was your age being a young 13, though you looked 18, that you worked for the Mojave Express, you were labeled Courier 6,  that you were carrying a platinum chip, and that Benny had shot you.

You were dug up from an early grave by a securitron with an animated cowboy face named Victor. He brought you do doc. Mitchell in Goodsprings. He patched you up and gave you some supplies. You lost almost all of your memories, but you were alive and coherent. Once he was sure you were okay, he sent you on your way. Setting out on a grand quest for revenge and answers on why he did what he did, and who were you before confronting him?

You ended up getting some help from a girl named Sunny Smiles about how to survive on the land and help her clear out some geckos and save a settlers life. She even gave you a varmint rifle and plenty of 5.56 ammo and some caps. You then went back and helped a young man who worked for the crimson Caravan. You helped him and band the whole town together to help you kill off the first batch of Raiders you would kill in your life, the Powder Gangers.

You learned quick that you had a silver tongue, which came in handy even more times than your guns, and a decent fighting style.

You then put on some Powder Ganger armor, pretended to be one of them, earned the trust of the Powder Gangers, and then, stabbed them in the back by helping the NCR take back the prison that the Powder Gangers were using as a stronghold.

All of this in the first two days since you woke up with no memory. These good actions felt so great and so you, you continued down on this high, but Lonely Road.

You helped out Primm in finding a new sheriff, or rather re-programmed, a robot named Primm Slim, that worked at the Vikki and Vance casino.

That night, you had something you called "that dream."  And until you won 2nd battle of Hoover Dam, it had almost every night came with a sweet dream for the first half, but a nightmare half that haunted you. And the nightmare half only got worse over time.

But anyways, despite your quest having originally been to get answers and vengeance against the checkered suited man, you had gotten lost almost every step of the way and helping out other people or taking out worse issues.

But curiosity also had its moments where it almost got you killed.

Immediately after you were done helping Primm, you found a message that was intended for you. And you traveled to the source the message... down the Lonesome Road of The Divide.

---- The Divide (before the Dam)----

You met a combat duraframe  eyebot with a sad story, named ED-E. Now partnered up with your very first companion ever, you set out into The Divide. Tracking down a courier named Ulysses, a former fumentarri member of Caesars Legion. He half blamed you for the destruction of The Divide, as it once held the potential to,  in his words, "Be greater than the Two-Headed Bear and greater than the Bull."

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