Another Day, Another Dream

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Pov. Courier 6
Dream World

Just like so many nights after I got my head shot by Benny, I was having "that dream" again.

I was maybe 7 years old in this dream.  I only remembered how I looked when I was 7 because that was the age I became an intern for the Mojave Express. And I remembered THAT because of my trip back into the Divide. Ulysses, when he lured me back, had actually helped me remember of how I started with the Mojave Express and my first job, to deliver a package to the Divide. He half blamed me for that.

Anyways, in the dream, 7 year old me was just a little different. In the dream, when I walked up to a mirror or any reflective surface, I had icy blue eyes and white hair. Which is odd because I have (eye color) and (hair color).

I walk around in a gigantic mansion. It HAS to be from another world all together. I don't know how, I just know. But maybe the fact that it isnt an irradiated, falling apart ruin and instead is whole and looks new with giant ass knight statues everywhere has something to do with it.

But that isn't the most beautiful part.

In that dream, there is another girl who is 7 years old. She's just like "dream me". Beautiful, clean white hair and big blue eyes, a dress that put all the mint condition pre-war dresses to shame! And such a clean head of hair, and such a pale white  skin color! No way she could have been from the wastelands!!!

But she wasn't the only one to fit that description. In my dream, there are two more girls just like her. One is just a little bit older, and the other HAS to be their mother!

In my dream I hug them, play tag and hide and seek in a huge, beautiful, colorful courtyard filled with all kinds of flowers. A place of warmth and safety. Not a bloatfly or a Cazador in sight!

The younger girls play with me and we laugh and smile! Such innocence.... And the mother of those girls? She watches and gives them, and surprisingly me hugs and kisses on the head.

Such a happy place....

Though they aren't the only people in the dream. There is a man who looks like a pre-war butler who acts weird and somehow changes his eye color based on how he feels. He is funny and nice though.

But then there are the two I don't care so much for.

There is also a 6 year old boy, and he too has white hair and blue eyes. But he seems rude and i, despite trying to be nice, just cant seem to get along with him.

I usually end up leaving him alone and soak up my time with the butler and the three pale, white haired girls.

But then... Comes the man who makes that dream into a nightmare.

He doesn't ALWAYS show up. But when he does? "The other half of the dream", as I call it, comes with him... The nightmare half.

But like I was saying, the man, though he too is pale white, his hair is white, just like his mustache and business suit, he was neither warm or kind. In fact, he was cold and hateful. Always screaming. Most of his words, were incoherent. But I didn't need to hear the words to perceive just how much of a prick he was. He would tell at anyone and everyone he saw, the girls, the butler, the boy, but especially me.

The older woman, she will stand up and yell at him back in our defence, but he starts a verbally violent argument that causes the two young girls to cry... Seeing them cry enrages me.

Then the dream shifts me to a house just outside of a beautiful city that looks better than any of the pre-war pictures of the big cities of old America. I walk into a messed up house, and I start playing with a black haired, amber eyed 10 year old girl...she's so pretty... But then, the white haired man and the man who I assume is the girls gangster father walk away. And the step mother, in not sure how I know that but I just do, grabs the girl by the hair and throws her in her room. Then a well armed man goes into the room, I run in after and find that "well armed man" raping the girl. I feel my blood boil and I take a fork and stab that S.O.B. in the eye, killing him.

The girl, when I look down at her, looks up at me and mouths the words, "thank you...y/n....", route her mouth that is missing teeth. Her face bruised as well as the rest of her body, she was bleeding out of her vagina from having been raped. And she passes out cold.

Shortly after all that, just me and the white haired man appear in a room, with what looked to be otherworldly scientists and sleek, almost completely human shaped robots guarding them. I see a gigantic ring at the end of this place and on the walls, There is a  vault Tec poster that decorate on the side of the room, skeletons were being examined in the back left corner of the room by scientists.

The scientists all seem to be enthralled in their study of the strange, towering ring, while the white clad man is grabs my shoulders and shaking me violently. He is just so angry. And for whatever reason dream me is scared stiff and just letting himself get shook. Doesnt matter if the words from this man are almost muffled and incoherent, dream me just shakes in fear.

Suddenly a bright light illuminates the room, and the ring starts sucking everyone in. Including a young girl, whom I hadnt noticed before, who is in something similar to the outfits Ceasars Legion once forced  slave girls to wear. A blindfold over her eyes.

Everyone grabs on to something, the man in white grabs a hold of a metal bar with his left hand, then me with his right to stop me from being sucked up by the ring.

Then, I hear those words... The only coherent words in the entire dream. Even if a few are to muffled to understand.

"I can't save you AND me, you disgraceful degenerate! -------------- needs me! Not you! You have 3 ----------- to take your place as heir to ------ ----- ----------, and no one will be able to prove anything! Now be a good sport and *he kicks me in the stomach and I let go of his hand* die for -------!!!!"

I fall into the ring with a few of those robots, scientists, and that girl into a dark hole that I just fall endlessly into.

Perhaps a solid minute of falling into this endless abyss that I start seeing images of the more horrifying things in my travels throughout the wastes.

Deathclaws, Cazadores, Deathstalkers, those fucking Legionaries, the Tunnelers, the Marked men, the Ghost people, the horrors at Big Mountain, the war between the three tribes of Zion, the faces of all the dead people I couldn't save.

It is almost too much to bare. It always is when this, the second half, the nightmare half, happens

But then, that horror stops as I land in my heart shaped bed in my bedroom at the Lucky 38. Where almost instantly I see my wives crawl atop of me and i start feeling pleasure in my throbbing member.

Then I wake up. And I saw a sight that instantly made me relax. My first wife and proud owner of Whiskey Rose Caravan as well as the current whiskey drinking champion of Vegas, Sharon Rose of Cassidy, giving me in all my naked glory, a deep throat blowjob. Her eyes never leaving mine and a smile crawls over her sucking lips as she listens to me moan in pleasure at her blowjob. Veronica hugging my stomach and nuzzling her head into my chest while Christine had her arms around my neck and she sucks roughly on my throat.

Once I release my load, she stops, swallows, withdraws her lips, and sits up straight. Her d-cup breasts bouncing lightly as she does.

Cass: Rough morning 6?

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