First Contact

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Unknown World
Vault-Tech Portal Pad
1141 Hours
3rd person view.

I had just woke up from a terrifying nightmare where muggy was huge and thought I was Dr.O. (See photo above to get a peak at the dream and comment here on this paragraph on what your reaction/thoughts would be or are.)

Then I was fully woke up by the voices. So I stood up hearing them.

Major Tom: Look at all the LIVING TREES AND GRASS! Isnt it so FUCKING GORGEOUS?!

Sgt. Yuri: would you shut the fuck up?

CPT. Price: Alright ladies that's enough! Weapons check!

Private Soap: All's good.

Gaz: the others are sayimg that there was no damage to the vehicles and power armor. Someone is checking for casual-

Autumn: All soldiers, civilians and supplies are accounted for.

Sapphiria: LPU1 is undamaged!

Dexter: Archimedes 3 unit is ok!

Ulysses: it is good that none of us are dead.

A small scientist, 13 year old boy genius with a big head and ridiculous hair, and his custom made robot dog, Godder, runs up to President 6.

6: Did you have a "Brainblast?"

Doc. Jimmy Neutron: I did! I know how to repair the portal from this end. With Dexter, and my Crew, we should be able to fix it by the end of the day and send for help.

6: good. Get to it.

2 teenage brothers, one with red hair and big eyes and a striped shirt under his lab coat,  looks over to his big nosed, overall wearing, doer-rarely-a-talker, green haired brother.

Phineas: Ferb... I know what we are gonna do to today!... Hey wait... Wheres Perry?

On an unrelated note, A mutant platypus wearing a fedora, a former Enclave expirement gone right and now apart of the "Enclave  S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Ops. Unit", has walked off into the bushes. President 6 notices and tells everyone he had to take a leak and went to said secluded bushes. Looking over at the highly trained mutant platypus.

6: Good morning "Agent P". Your task today is to find out what caused that portal to go off. But I think you know who is responsible for it.

Meanwhile at-

🎼Doofenschmirtz Evil Incorporateeeeeeeeed~🎼

Dr. Heinz Doofenschmirtz, an incompetent, and allegedly jet and psycho addict, "super villain" and "evil" scientist, had sneezed, which interrupted his maniacal laugh. 

His  physics defying "Turn-on-The-Vault-Tec-Portal-Inator"inator stopped glowing and whirring as he believed he finally got rid of his "Arch Nemesis".

Dr. Heinz Doofenschmirtz: Someone must be talking abou- *rotted ceiling piece falls on the conveniently placed and redundant "self-destruct button", causing a mass explosion that somehow does not kill or even minorly harm the doctor and sends him flying and shouting* -CURSE YOU PERRY THE PLATYPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS....eventhoughyouhadnothingtodowiththis!!!! *hits wall*

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