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——— WARNING: swearing.

——— AUTHOR'S NOTE: LONG CHAPTERRR!! anyways ily and i hope u enjoy! <3


Being shaken awake by the rattling of metal, Y/N opens her eyelids in a slow manner. She sits up and rubs her eyes, and she grazes her vision at the sight in front of her.

Ah, I'm actually here.

The familiar metal-framed beds and large room was enough to wake her up fully, memories from before playing in her head unwillingly. This pulls a frown on her face.

"Wake up. Get up, huh?" A familiar masculine voice calls out to someone, making Y/N turn her head towards where the voice came from.

There, she sees Gi-hun shaking 001 awake. They share a little conversation with each other, and Y/N rips off the blanket draped over her, swinging her legs over to the side.

She observes the place.

The players are all scattered around the large dorm. Some talking in small groups, some walking around and some just sitting on their beds.

"Huh. I didn't expect many players to come back." She mutters to herself. She moves her gaze towards the large screen above.

On the screen, the numbers displaying the amount of players shows 187 and the money they accumulated, 26.9 billion won. She gulps at the amount of money.

"Damn. Even half of that is enough to buy a whole mansion."

From the corner of her eye, she sees Gi-hun point towards somewhere, and she follows the direction.

212 sits there alone, looking around the place. Y/N raises a brow.

"So the woman who couldn't name her child came back, huh?"

"Gi-hun." Y/N hears a familiar voice call out, and she turns to look.

Sang-woo approaches Gi-hun, and Gi-hun talks with him, his lips pushed in a line and his head bobbing up and down.

"Hey, good sirs." Someone else greets.

It's 199!

A small smile grows on Y/N's face, recalling back to when he saved Gi-hun singlehandedly.

Lemme just...

Y/N starts slowly inching herself closer to the three, trying to not get noticed. She knew that once they'd notice her, they'd think she was weird, but she was too eager to care. She really wanted to be friends with either 199 or Gi-hun, but she didn't know how to approach them properly.

"I'm happy to see both of you. I hope we make it." She hears 199 say, his accent still not completely fluent, but she thought that was endearing.

Gi-hun chuckles, and Sang-woo doesn't say anything.

"Thanks for the bus fare, sir. It meant so much to me." 199 thanks, bowing towards Sang-woo.

"What, you gave him the bus fare?" Gi-hun questions.

"Because he said that he'd walk Yeouido to Ansan." Sang-woo replies.

"That's so heartwarming. We're like a bunch of soldiers at training camp, huh?" Gi-hun says with a smile, facing Sang-woo.

"A training camp is what?" 199 asks, eyes full of curiosity.

"You know, it's like the army shooting guns." Gi-hun says, clenching his fingers except for his thumb and index fingers, finger-gunning.

𝐒𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now