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——— WARNINGS: swearing, physical violence, mentions of blood.

——— AUTHOR'S NOTE: LONG LONG CHAPTER!!! the longest one so far hhhh as usual, i hope u enjoy! take care and ilysm u better know that.


The players have returned to walking down the steps of the pastel room in silence after the sudden gunfire from earlier.

Y/N walks ahead of Gi-hun, 001 following behind him.

"Thank you." She overhears 001 say, and she turns to see a smile on the old man's face. Gi-hun looks back with a confused expression.

"Sorry?" Gi-hun buzzes.

001 hovers his hand over his mouth and does a licking motion, and Y/N furrows her brows in confusion.


"I lived because I copied your method." 001 adds.

Gi-hun chuckles, though it sounded a bit fake to the girl, and pats the old man's shoulder, turning back front to walk ahead.

"What was he talking about?" Y/N queries, referring to 001's actions, but Gi-hun shakes his head.

"It's nothing." He reassures, placing a hand on her shoulder and turning her to face front again. Y/N blinks at the action.

"Okay..." She surrenders, hands going in her pockets and feet returning their stride.


Finally, they're back at the room they sleep in.

From a distance, Y/N could see Sang-woo and 199 standing together, seeming to be waiting for them.

"199!" Y/N calls with a smile on her face, doing a little wave of her hand.

"Sirs! 457!" He responds, waving back with his hands high in the air. A smile was on his face as well.

199 approaches the three, Sang-woo following him from behind.

"You're alive. I was worried." 199 admits, and he goes over to Y/N to give her a little hug. Y/N's mood immediately lifts at the action, a grin growing on her face.

She hears Gi-hun chuckle from behind.

"Do you think I would die that easily? I'm Seong Gi-hun of Ssamgmun-dong." Gi-hun triumphs, thumping his chest. 199 turns to 001.

"Old sir, are you all right?" He asks, his voice soft.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's all thanks to him." 001 says, patting 199's arm and motioning to Gi-hun. Said man gives him a smile.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said we should split up." Sang-woo expresses, and Y/N turns to him with a little glare. He ignores her.

"Don't say that. It's not like you knew. Besides, I chose the umbrella. It's okay." Gi-hun reassures, lightly dabbing his shoulder.

"I'm glad everyone is fine." Sang-woo says, glancing at Y/N who chatted with 199 happily.

"We will now announce the results of the second game."

Everyone looks up at the large screen. The numbers of players rapidly count down, and the money rises. The lights start to dim.

"Out of 187 players, 79 were eliminated."

𝐒𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now