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——— AUTHOR'S NOTE: a special for you!! this isn't connected to the original plot heheh, hope u enjoy <3


"I wish you didn't agree to come with." Y/N grumbles to her friend, huffing as she kicks the miniature rocks on her way. A scoff could be heard as a response to her muttering.

"It's not my fault; you asked me if I wanted to come along. You're so whiny, Y/N." Min-jun teases, walking with his hands resting comfortably in his jacket pockets, his friend by his side.

"No, I am not." Y/N fires, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

The young man chuckles heartily, playfully nudging her with his shoulder.

"Of course I'd agree to come with. You obviously missed me after not seeing me for a while." Min-jun says, a smirk smugly pulling on his lips. The girl with him scoffs.

"Besides, it's Christmas." He adds.

"You don't even know if they'll like you or not. I'm surprised you even have the audacity to come along when you only know me!" Y/N exclaims as she rambles on.

"Well, I'm surprised you're not noticing that guy's gaze right now." Min-jun suddenly says, his voice dropping as he whispers to the girl.

"Huh?" Y/N blurts, and Min-jun nudges his head to a direction. The girl follows his narrowed eyes.

There in the distance stood a man unknown to Y/N, watching her like a hawk with hooded eyes.

Y/N contorts her face in disgust as the man gives her an unsettling smile, clearly trying to make an attempt to seducing her. But to his dismay, he ended up looking like an abominable cow trying to sway a rock.

Before she could hike up her jacket's sleeves up to her elbows to confront the man, her friend's voice stops her.

"Are you gonna stop looking at her or am I gonna have to fight you?" Min-jun threatens, protectively stepping in front of the girl with his arms crossed. The gruff man moves his dirty gaze from the girl and up to him, then clears his throat, looking everywhere to avoid Min-jun's intense eyes.

"That's what I thought." And with those last words, Min-jun pulls Y/N by the wrist, continuing their walk towards their destination.

"Thank you, Min-jun. But you should've let me talk to him." Y/N says, and this time, it was Min-jun's turn to roll his eyes.

"I know, but you'd end up punching him. We don't want you causing a fight now, do we?" Min-jun inquires, and the girl sighs sarcastically.

"Yes, sir." Y/N jokes, feigning an upset expression.

Min-jun shakes his head with an amused smile on his face.

"Anyways, I'm not really worried about your friends. I know they'll either like me or not care much. I'm more worried about that freckled girl. She looks like she could murder me any second. I still remember how she looked at me back at the cafe we met in." Min-jun shudders at the thought. His friend scoffs.

"Just because she looks like that doesn't mean she's a bad person." Y/N defends, slapping him on the arm.

"Though, I do agree. She could kill me without hesitation." Y/N then says, rubbing a sheepish hand on her neck.

𝐒𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now