"New Intern"

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We reached the office in 10, as I said. And he is still shy looking here and there, avoiding looking at me while I try to talk to him, but he answered all the questions of mine.

We head inside but he stood there at the entrance. When I sense nothing in my sides I turn and watch him closely. He closed his eyes and is murmuring something, like a prayer? Cute!

I went back to him. And when he opened his eyes, he was startled. Oh my God. Meeting him is making things cuter, especially when I thought they are not, before.

"You scared me." He said as he put his hand on his chest. "I didn't mean to. I am sorry." He smiled. "No, it's ok. I said that, 0doesn't mean I want you to apologize. It is just- don't tell that to anyone. I am scaredy cat. Well, I admit it." He sighed.

"It's ok. I am, sometimes, too. Well, I keep it a secret." I said to cheer him up. He smiled. "Thank you." I nodded. "Shall we go on.

Don't need to worry about anything, I know you can do this. Hwaiting. Just show all your confidence and be brave, ok?" I said and he nodded. "All the very best!"

"Thank you."

-At my desk-

We went back to my work, but my mind was totally on him. How is he doing the interview? Is he called in yet already? Is he nervous? My colleagues snapped me back to the world, "Kook! What is wrong with you? Daydreaming?" Taehyung asked. I shook my head. We have been friends for two years now.

Not only me and Taehyung, we have Jimin,The shorty. Hoseok, the sunshine. Yoongi, swag hyung. Namjoon, the brain. And finally, Taehyung, the funky. We are all together in out hard times and don't ignore each other at all. So that's what makes their personality, a good one.

But, I would like to join Seokjin into our group. He is so naive and shy. Since he also new, we can help him cope up with them. "Guys, guys, guys." Everyone looked at me. "The new intern, who is taking the interview right now, is someone I know. He is new and shy and I would like introduce him to you. Make him feel good and brave enough around the office, ok?"

They nodded. "We can do it. How old is he? Which department?" The sunshine asked. I thought for a moment. "I don't know, I haven't asked him. I will ask him when I introduce you to him. Ok?" Everyone nodded.

I turned to look back at the door one last time and got back to my work.

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