"Our Home!"

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"Well, I know I am sounding like an idiot. But, I want to help you." Jin was shocked, more than shocked. "You already did a lot to me. Please, don't take more, anymore burden for me. I really appreciate it, Mr. Jeon. But, please, I can't be burden, while I already am being one."

I don't know why am I waiting patiently for him to complete his sentences. "No, no. You are not a burden. And what is Mr. Jeon..? You can call me by any name you want. Well, if you think, I am stranger, then come on, let's be friends and know each other." I completed as I put my hand forth.

He took it innocently, with respect. "Ok. I am Kim Seokjin. I am from Gwacheon and I am 20 years old. Please take care of me." He said with a shy smile.

"Hello. I am Jeon Jungkook. I am from Seoul and I am 22 years old and will happily take care of you." I said smiling back. I still am hesitancy in him. I wanted to light up the mood, "Ok. My treat. Let's go, so, we can talk more. ok?" He simply nodded. I took his hand and lead him to the parking lot. He sat in the seat, but now he is half facing me. Thank god, he is feeling comfortable around me.

"Where are we going!?" "We will be going to my favorite place. We shall have some drink and get to know each other, ok?" He pouted. "I can't drink. I promised my mom. Till 22." I giggled out. "No problem, you can have some other juice."

He smiled. "Okay!" We went to my favorite store. The store beside my apartment. "Here we are." I said and he looked all over. He got down and I too. He settle down outside in the chairs and I went inside to bring soju and a drink.

"Jungkook-ahh. How are you? It has a been a long time since you last visited." The aunty who works there, a well known kind aunty, asked me. "Yes, aunty. Work stress. I feel so tired after I come back home. Exhausting." I said emphasizing the last word. She chuckled and I went back to my work.

I took the soju and the drink and went out. I saw Seokjin. He is warming himself up. I take my coat and cover him up. I put the bottles down. He thanked me. I pour myself some soju and settle down.

"I have nothing special to tell you, about me. I live alone. I have friends in office. I work in the tech Department. That's it I guess." I said shrugging off. "Ohh. I work in the developmental department."

Ohh, then I was right. Glass after glass I drink the soju. I am not a light drinker and also don't get dizzy even if it is 10 and plus. I think that's an advantage for me.

"After this, we will go to the hotel and get your things, ok?" He quickly turned guilty. " Thank you so much. I don't know how can I thank you enough."

"Seokjin, it's ok. I don't really care about you being a burden. You are not a burden. Ok? Stop thinking that way. And I need a roommate for myself, I feel more lonely than before." I said and he nodded, guiltyly.

"It is fine. Completely fine. Ok? And I promised I will never try make advances on you. Take advantage on you. Ok? I will be a good man." I said honestly.

He smiled and nodded. Then from there we go the the hotel and we went upto the room. He was slightly cracking his bones, so I thought little help wouldn't hurt. And I helped him get the 2 suitcases. He gave his wallet on the way and I take it without any hesitation.

"Can you please pay mine? I will return your money, later. Please?" He said and I nodded. It's not a big problem, anyways. And I have no problem about being paid back. It is not a bother for me since, I love to help! And one thing was bothering me..

Is he lying to me? Or is there some need to lie about himself with me? Or is he just trying to avoid me?

We went back to the car and we started our journey back to my place. Nothing was awkward and I thank God for that! He kept on smiling at me, when i was glancing at him just to check he is fine. We reached in 15. We stood before it..

"Our home!"

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