"Good night.."

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We come back home and as usual Seokjin went straight to his room, only after gaining a nod from me when he looked up at me for dispersing away.

He came all freshed up and he looked at me intently. "Jungkook-ssi, sit down here. I can give you a massage on the head. I will be helpful. Ok?" He said.

"No, no, it's not necessary, Seokjin. Don't worry about me. You can continue, if you have some work." He made his way towards me and pulled me towards the couch.

"Jungkook-ssi, I am totally comfortable with you, now. Everything is a barrier for me, unless I become comfortable with you. Now, bear with me till I stay here." He said and I chuckled at it.

I sat down on the couch and put my head on the top of the couch. He put a vloth below mt neck and put some oil which smelled like lavender and started to massaged my head.

"I used to massage my mother's head, hands and legs and she used to say, I am great at it. And I hope it helps you too." He said and continued. I hummed as he is really great at it. Agreeing with his mother I drift back into a long sleep.

I wake up after an hour I guess and find him doing the paper work. I smiled at him seeing him struggling with the papers swaying with the air. I get up and switch the fan off. He looks at the fan and then at me. He beamed at me. I nod and he goes back to his work.

-At the time of supper-

We cook the food together. While he wants me to cook. He sat there at the table and ordered me to cut the vegetables. I do as he say. I enjoyed cooking, but never in my, I did.

I cooked the food. I look at the quantity. It is enough for one and half left from what I eat. I look up at him, he just shrugs. "I ate already in the office. Don't worry about me, ok?"

"From the money, that's left in the wallet, that day?" He nodded. I sigh and sit back with a plate. We talked and I ate. I enjoy the time when I am with him.

After eating I went back to the couch and he was still in the kitchen. I didn't mind it and continued my work. He came back after minutes and said, "I am sorry I can't do the dishes for you. Please, don't mind."

"Ahh! It's ok. Do it only if you are comfortable, ok?" He nodded. "And it is not because I didn't eat and all. It is.... A secret for now!" He said out but came out loud. "He quickly shut his mouth embarrassed.

I chuckle at him and he sighes in relief and gathers his paperwork for tomorrow and go to room after bidding a good night to me.

"Good night!"

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