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I went to the party venue and find Jimin hyung and Taehyung hyungalready chugging on the soju. I wave and stand right before them. "You are early?"

"Ahh.. Yes! I wanted to help." I said, shrugging. They nodded and gave me a glass of soju. I chugged on it and Jimin hyung looked at me.

"How are you and Jinnie friends?" Jimin hyung asked. "I will tell you everything, hyungie. Why hurry?" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Now where does Jinnie live?" Taehyung hyung asked almost immediately. "Right in my house." They gasped out loud and just then Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi hyung came and I sighed in relief, not really wanting to answer their upcoming question.

"Hey, maknaes! You all look handsome." "Well, you three look a lot more handsome than us." Taehyung hyung said, Jimin hyung and I hummed in agreement.

"When is the boss coming?" Hosepk hyung asked. "We will wait, till then chug on this." I said and gave them glasses of soju. They nodded and chugged on it.

Minutes later, Jimin hyung got a call from our boss saying that he is in the entrance and he went to receive him.

I already am missing him. The party didn't even start and I am missing him. I don't get a positive vibes about this and I become completely restless about it. But, I contain myself, keep telling myself some positive words.

The party started and we cut acake for our farewell in the company. My boss gave out some years for us and we hugged him tight. A group hug worked. We settled down, just like yesterday.

We planned on sharing memories in the company. Jimin hyung started. Hoseok hyung ran upto the stage later. Next Yoongi hyung, Then Namjoon hyung. Then Taehyung hyung. Then it was me.

I stood up on rhe stage and closed my eyes and remember everything happened at the time I have been in the company. Surprisingly, nothing came to my mind but, the good times with my Baby, the hugs.. That's all!




I couldn't make it. All my hyungs came running towards me. I collapsed on the ground. They waved at me, wanting all of my attention.. But, my thoughts are not here!

I contained myself, not wanting to "I am ok, I am ok. Sorry hyungs!" I said and they put me on my feet. I muttered a thank you and they nodded with concern. "You can leave to your place, kook. There is no force. Go home and take care." My boss said and I said, "No, boss. I am fine. Thank you, don't worry." I said and they nodded again.

"Let this not be a party pooper. Let's enjoy!" I said raising the mood up. They sighed and continued enjoying. Thank god!

I really have a bad feeling about this and my Gut is never wrong.

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