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My heart flipped in its place. I looked away because, nobody said that to me. "Hyung is a cutie, too." He said. "Seokjin.. You really are a brat. Anyways, test and tell." I put the plate before him. He shook and put it back before me. "No, hyung. You should eat. I may not stay here forever right? Taste and improve yourself, ok?" I felt a tug in my heart. I didn't like it.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him. "You probably concluded it as poison." I take the spoon full of the food and it tasted good. I moaned out. "Hyung! See. It is awesome, isn't it?" He said and I nodded.

"Complete it fast. We should get back to bed and back to the tiring office." He said, wiggling his eyes. I chuckled at his cute remark. I nodded and completed it fast. We went back to the couch and settled down to watch something on T.V.

Some time later, I stood up and went to the dining table to grab an apple. I didn't get one for him. I went back to the couch and saw him continued watching the show with ful concentration. He saw me and smiled at me. Once I sat down and munched on the Apple, he probably heard the fruit. He gasped at me and looked horrified.

"Hyung, night apple is poison apple." He said and I chuckled at his reaction. I shrugged and said, "Night apple is poison apple. And I am ok, because I am JK." I said and he chuckled at what I said.

"What? Why are you laughing?" He shook his head clearly stopping his giggle. "Nothing, hyung. My hyung is a cutie." I looked at him with a suspicious look on my face. He pressed his lips into a thin line and looked back at the T.V.

After an hour or so, He yawned while watching the show we were watching. I heard him and turned to his side. "You are sleepy, Jinnie. Go to bed." He looked at me and yawned again. I yawned looking at him. "And now, you are sleepy." He said with a smile on his face.

I ruffled his hair and he stood up to go to his room. I watched him go and he turned back and said, "Hyung.. Good night!" He said with the most beautiful smile on his face. I smiled back at him and said, "Good night, Jinnie."

After he left to his room.. My mind started thinking everything related to him, possibly.

Why is my heart feeling unusually bad when he is saying he can leave anytime sooner?

Are we getting close day by day?

Why is my heart so wrong about this?

With these questions in my head I dozed off to a dreamland, completely unaware of what future has in stock for me and Jin.

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