"It was Him!"

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The tears which already made a threat of letting out, has fallen. I cried while rightly clutching onto Jimin hyung's shirt. Jimin also sobbed with me. While the others have tears flowing out of their eyes. That's what I saw, when I stood up and looked at everyone.

"Time to move on, hyungs! Don't worry about me! I will move on from him. But, I know his love for me is true and mt love for him is true." I said with a smile on my face. They wiped their tears but, the expression on their faces are still the same.

"I told you not to worry, hyungs! I am fine, I am totally fine. See!" I said while wiping my tears which are not at all stopping. "But, hyung, how did you find me?"

"I got a call from your number. And a message saying, 'visit me, hyung.' So, O immediately made my way towards you but I saw you on the ground, all passed out... I called the doctor. And that's how I am here."

I smiled. "It was not me, hyung. It was him! It was him." Understanding who it was, they hung their heads low..

I locked myself in my baby's room. I shouldn't jump into conclusions this fast. He might have his reasons for leaving me.

Did I make any mistake?

Did I treat him wrong?

What must be his reason?

Should I move on?

Or wait for him?

He loved me and I will wait for him. I love him, so, I will wait for him.

"I love you, baby. I love you so much...."

"I will wait for you."

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