"I think, I like you.."

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Next morning, I woke up as usual and saw Jinnie sitting at the same place as usual. I shook my head smiling a bit and made my way towards him. "Good morning, Jinnie! Day dreaming?" He shook his head while pouting.

"No, hyung. I am just thinking of something, that's it. Make breakfast and we will talk after that." I nodded my head. I went to the kitchen, put my apron on and made a toast. "Smells good, hyung!" I heard him say. I put the plate before him.

He ate all the toast and slumped back in his chair. I chuckled but, the reason? "Why? Is it bad?" I asked him. He shook his hand. "No, hyung. It is delicious." He said. "Then, why are you tired?"

"No, hyung! I am not tired. My stomach is full. That's it." Only with one? "You are dramatic!" He pouted, huffing. "No! I am not. I just- you know what? Leave it. I can't explain it and even if I did, you won't understand." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Ok, now, what is it, you wanna talk about?" I asked. He put both of our plates back on the counter and came back to his place. I followed him with my eyes.

"Hyung!? Did you fall in love before?" He asked. It was like I can choke anytime. But, it never came. "No, Jinnie. I didn't. Why?" I asked him. He said, "Nothing, I just wanted to know." He said.

There must be a reason and, "What is 8r, Jinnie?" I asked and he put his hand on mine, which was on the table. "Hyung! I want you to be serious. And I am serious. I think, I like you!" He shyly said. I was shocked?!

Who wouldn't be? "Jinnie!?" I half-yelled at him." He shushed me. "Hyung, listen! You don't need to return the same feelings, but, I just wanna know. That's it. I know, sometime or the other, I will have to leave. I just wanna savour every moment with you. Cause you are my first friend, first hyung.. Remember? This feels special and you make me special."

"Jin, what if I don't like men?" I asked him. I have to question about this and I don't want to hurt him finally.

He sighed. "Pretend I never said this.. Just leave it, hyung!" He said and went back to his room. "I WANNA STAY AT HOME, HYUNG! YOU CAN GO." I heard him say.

Who's gonna tell him, I like men too?

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