"At my Worst!"

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We have a meeting in half an hour. We set things up again and be ready for our next meeting. We all crack the stiffened muscles as we look at each other, giggling.

-After an hour-

We came back from the meeting. As I said, I am stressed out. Drained, is the only thing that can justify the state I am in. I think of the only thing that can soothe me. Leave.

I went to my boss's office. Knocked, got inside and told him about it. He agreed for it. I sighed in relief. I went back outside and went to my desk. "Leaving?" My Funky one asked. I nodded at him.

"Enjoy!! He said. I smacked his head, lightly, but he dramatically faked a pain. All giggled at him. "Guys, the next meeting can need any of it. So, keep them with you. I will meet you guys tomorrow." I said giving them all the needed folders and drives.

"Guys, check for the mistakes. Be careful while checking. Check twice thrice, no matter how many times, be careful." I warned them like usual and waved them a bye.

I went back home. I sighed and had a long hot shower. I came back, went to the kitchen to get something to eat. He found food leftover in the kitchen, which was yesterday's. All the untensils were washed up and were in their own place.

I sighed and took the food and munched on it. Remembering the food I ate in the morning, I smiled to myself.. Ahhh! Jin! I have to pick him up again. I will go at 5 and wait for him.

With that, I went to take a nap on the couch. I woke up after an hour and feeling no hunger.. I took the laptop and started to find ideas for the next application.

I thought for some ideas and they were useful. I mailed them to my team. They put an thumbs up emoji making me smile. I sat down and started creating mockups.

-After sometime-

I glanced at clock and it said 4:45. I get up and get some decent dressing to go to pick Seokjin up. I get ready in 5 and make my way towards the car and towards my office.

I stand there before my office and exactly at 5, I find Seokjin going towards the bus station. "SEOKJIN!" I yell out taking his attention. He looked at me with wide eyes and his lips form a bright smile.

He run towards me like a small kid waiting for his parent in school. Cute! I smile back at him. I open the door for him and he gets inside.

"Shall we go!?" Seokjin nodded. I take him home, while the radio plays AT MY WORST.

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