"List out things."

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We started the work when we saw yoongi hyung going away, with a smile on our faces. "Guys.. The app must be made! Select an app and we are good to go." The two nodded. We took a deep breath crackling all the knuckles. "Hwaiting!!!" We high five'd and started the work. We ended up selecting a useful app.

"We are back!" A squealing voice came and we snapped back to the world. It was the sunshine. "Work is given and be done in a day or two." He said and settled down. Namjoon hyung already settled down stretching all his muscles.

"That's progress! What time is it..?" I glanced at the time and it was 5:15 in the evening. "Guys, we are already fifteen minute late." I winked at them. They smirked and we packed everything. We hugged each other and parted our ways.

I already saw Jin near the parking lot entrance. We went in and got in to the car. We went back to our house and he went in jumping in the air. "Seokjin! Slow!" "It's ok hyung. I am fine!" He yelled while he was on the stairs.

Kid! Brat! Maybe! I sighed and sat on the couch to take my shoes off. I put them in the rack and went to my room. I freshed up and went down stairs. He was thinking about something again.

"Ah hyung! You came. Come sit down!" He pulled me to sit down beside him, when I cleared my throat, on the couch. "What is it, brat!?" I pinched his nose. "Ahhhh! Hyung. What do you wanna eat now?" He asked me. "Ah!? This one. We can discuss it later, can't we?"

He whined. "I wanna make a list and teach you so, that you can cook when I am not there. One more! I shouldn't find any leftovers. We can bring a doggo, if that is a no." He said with a pout.

"Sure! Sure! All ok for me. We will plan on things."

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