"Talk it out!"

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I heard someone coming towards me and that is Jinnie. He saw me and stopped in his tracks. He just stood there staring at me. He shook his head, rolling his eyes and went to the kitchen. He came back with a water bottle.

He showed his tongue to me like a kid and started to go upstairs. "Jinnie.. Come here." I said in a stern tone. He didn't turn towards me but, stood there. "Jinnie.." I said again. And then, he stomping his feet came towards me.

"What, hyung? What?" He said not facing me. I pulled him by his hand and made him sit on the couch. "Jinnie.. Listen! I like men, too." He gasped.

"What do you mean, hyung!?" He said. "We shouldn't continue this, Jinnie. Now tell me why did you ask me about love!" He shrugged off pouting. "I told you, I like you."

This fast?. "Are you sure?" I asked him. He nodded his head. "This fast? How can you be so sure?" He turned away from me. "I don't know, I am sure, that's it." He said. I chuckled at him. "Jinnie, tell me you are joking and we are done, ok?"

"WHO TOLD YOU, I AM JOKING HYUNG!?" He yelled at me. I closed my eyes while he turned away again. I turned him towards me again,I saw tears in his eyes. "Hey.. Jinnie.. I am sorry, I am sorry. Don't cry! We can talk this out, ok?"

He nodded, nonetheless. "Ok.. So, you are sure that you have feelings for me?" I asked and he nodded, with his head hung low. "I cupped his face and made him look at me. " Look, Jinnie. Then, can try this out, ok?" I said and his face lit up a little.

"Listen one more thing! If you want this relationship then you should definitely marry me. Ok? I don't believe in love and all. Understood!?" I said and the next second he is in the air.

"Yes, hyung. Of course. I will marry you!!!!! I would love to marry you!! Be a man of words, hyung!"

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