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It's been 3 days since Taehyung started to work on his new mission which was Jeon Jungkook. To say Taehyung was irritated was an understatement, he was beyond frustrated and really annoyed. In these three days,he got no more clues or slightest bit of any information about the so-called criminal than he was provided with by his boss.

Right now, he was at a cafe angrily stuffing his mouth with cake while searching for something on his laptop. He was in normal clothes,like a normal person sitting in a cafe working on something normal, well that's what people will think at first sight but he knows better.

He was trying to figure out any lead from the records and files given to him. He was so immersed in his laptop that he lost track of time. A slight tap on his shoulder took him out of his trance making him alarmed and automatically grabbing his gun on his waistband but, he let out a relieved breath after seeing it was just the owner of the cafe.

"Yes?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow to the man asking for answers.
" Sir,it's time to close our cafe." The owner politely informed which made Taehyung's eyes grow wide.

"What??" He glanced at his wrist clock and gasped,
"Oh shit!I lost the track of time sorry," he apologised bowing a little,
"I am leaving right away." Taehyung grabbed his possessions and left the cafe after paying the bill.

He opened his car's door and slid inside. He stayed on his seat and a frustrated sigh left his mouth and he punched the steering wheel showing his anger.

"Dammit!! how can there be no fucking single lead?" He cursed grumbling angrily kicking his legs like a child.

"So,you really are a big deal Jeon. I think I need to work harder than I expected." He grunted. He drove off to his apartment after punching the wheel for one last time.
Meanwhile with Bangtan

Jungkook and his hyungs were in an important meeting with a foreign dealer Jake Richardson, who offered them a deal.

"What's the deal Richardson? We don't have a whole day to sit here." Namjoon questioned.

"What's the hurry dude? Not everyday I get to sit with the Underworld King Jeon Jungkook, do I?" Jake smiled while sipping his drink.

"That's right and if you don't stop wasting the time and get into business, this will be the last time you will be sitting on anything cuz I will shove all the bullets of my gun into your ass." Yoongi growled irritated.

"OMG!!Chill y'all ,you guys are no fun."
Jake rolled his eyes and started,
"So as you know,I have a huge business of illegal drug trading in Canada and I wanted to expand that in South Korea too." He stated his wish,

"But,I know it's not possible until you join my hands.Bangtan is the operating system of the illegal business in South Korea,so I can't sneak the drugs in here without your support. That's why I need you to partner up with me to start drug trading in your country." Jake proposed.

"Drug dealing is the most profitable at present. And of course,this won't be for free cuz I know you won't accept anything that doesn't promise you a huge profit. I can give you 60% of the profit that comes from this business as long as you spread the drug to as many people as you can."
He finished his explanation, raising his eyebrows waiting for the reaction from the boys.

"So from your long ass speech you delivered right now,you want to tell us that we need to help you sneak and spread poison to the youngsters in South Korea." Seokjin scoffed,
"You want us to expand your fucking toxins that destroys life of not only an individual but the entire people associated with them." He snarled.

"That's right." He replied unfazed, "And,as I said it's a promising business,also you guys are great at maintaining any illegal activities of your mafia without getting caught by the police so what's the deal?" Jake smirked at Jungkook who was calm and silent playing with a pen during the whole conversation.

" He replied unfazed, "And,as I said it's a promising business,also you guys are great at maintaining any illegal activities of your mafia without getting caught by the police so what's the deal?" Jake smirked at Jungkook who was calm and silent p...

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"Well,for your information dear Jake Richardson,there is only this one rule we have that I think I need to remind you:
Jungkook asserted the rule word by word clearly and slowly tapping the pen on the table with every single word.

"And you dared to offer me to expand your fucking illegal drug trading,
for your utter disappointment I won't allow that." Jungkook declared making the other party aka Jake frown.

"What do you mean you won't allow it?" Jake raised his voice,
"I am not here to ask you for permission, I was here to offer you a deal,but if you aren't interested I have other ways too." He threw a mocking smile towards them
"I will expand my business here. I will do that by hook or crook. And ,now when the Underworld king himself denied the offer I am more tempted to do it." Jake smirked.

Jungkook chuckled, "If that's your plan you shouldn't have come to me." He leaned towards the table with a sinful smirk
"Because now,I won't let even a whiff of those toxins in my territory." Jungkook whispered dangerously,
"I will make sure of that, alright!!"
Jungkook stood up and turned to his hyungs

"I am getting bored. Let's get going guys." He ordered all his members and men and started walking off.
Before they could step out of the room,there stood men armed with guns pointing at Bangtan blocking their way.

I tried to negotiate with some decent talk but you seem to be fond of violence, aren't you?"Jake stood up from his seat and waved his hands in air,

"It seems the Korean mafia needs a new leader." He exclaimed walking towards the boys who were standing between the armed men with an unreadable expression.

"Do you think you can win against me with these things Richardson?" Jungkook taunted, pointing at the weapons and the men.

"Ohh Jeon, you might be the great Underworld king in South Korea but you ain't no immortal. These men can fill you guys with the bullets and you won't even have time to blink and oops !!you all are dead." Jake laughed, acting like a maniac.

"What do you think you six can do against my men who are professional in this field?" He again added with a grin.

"And you think we are rookies?" Hoseok raised his eyebrows.
"No" Jake put his both hands up, "Not at all, just outnumbered at the moment." He gestured toward the difference in their numbers.

Bangtan boys were just standing with unreadable expressions and suddenly they looked around at each other and smirked.
"Do you really think we came here without any preparation?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow toward Jake who looked confused.

"Of course,your stupid brain won't even realise that these men you are threatening me with are actually my men." Jungkook smirked seeing Jake's expression fall.

"What kind of stupid joke are you spouting? And you fuckers,what are you guys looking at?FIRE THE GUNS, NOW!!" Jake shouted at his men, fuming in anger but he was shocked when all the guns previously pointed at Bangtan boys were pointed in his direction.

Again, completed rewriting this chapter. This chap doesn't have much change like previous one but just improvised i guess...

I will try to update regularly if I can so look forward to next chapter!!


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