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Jungkook told everyone about what happened.

"THE FUCK KOOK?" A baffled Jin roared through the room,
"If you already saw him putting something on your car,why didn't you check before guiding his ass to the hideout?" Seokjin scolded the younger for being stupid but Jungkook just kept smiling.

"And what the fuck you smiling at?" Now,an irritated Jin plopped on the couch throwing his hands in the air.
"He can be a spy of enemies or someone from those F.B.I,what were you even thinking you dumbass?" He reasoned.

"Calm down!Jinie hyung, he must be thinking something before doing that.He isn't that stupid, or is he?" Namjoon tried to reassure the older man even though he himself is concerned about the problem.

"I knew,I can count on you being the sensible one here,Joon Hyung." Jungkook finally decided to open his mouth,
"Have I ever done anything without having everything planned already? I am not the Underworld King for nothing." He shrugged.

"So,care to enlighten us with whatever that's going on inside your smart brain." Jin demanded.

"Here,the thing is I am going to trap that pretty little rat in my own den,without him having any clue." Jungkook proudly declared confusing the others more.

"And how are you going to do it?" Jimin stepped in.

"First of all, find each and every information about him," Jungkook tossed his phone to Yoongi showing the video from his car's camera.
"After that, we will let him find us,if that's what he is trying to do. He was quite a catch I must say so maybe if he caught my eyes I will keep him." He smirked,

"I don't know who he is, he can be a spy like you said," he looked at Jin,
"But one thing is sure that he is trying to ruin me,so he needs to get a lesson for messing with the Kingpin of the underworld,isn't it?" He smirked.
"And,I already have to deal with another big issue," his eyes darkened at the thought, "so,let him play his game for a while and we play ours." He concluded.

"Owwww!" Jungkook yelled getting a harsh slap on his head by none other than Jin,

"What the hell hyung? After hearing my fantastic plan you are hitting instead of rewarding me,that's a bit unfair." Jungkook whined and rubbed the place where he got hit.

"Shut up!You gave me a headache,you insolent brat."Jin groaned, rubbing his forehead.

Jungkook huffed and glared at the oldest.

"You are one hell of a cunning man Kook." Jimin chuckled, "how you even made a whole ass plan on the spot is what amazes me." He too plopped on the couch.

They were sitting around the couch, Jungkook and Jin bickering, Namjoon buried in his phone, Jimin munching some fruits.
You must be wondering where the Sope duo is,right?
Well, Yoongi is finding information about the spy or whatever he is and Hoseok?, he is trying to coax Yoongi into talking to him.

Yeah,Yoongi is still not talking to him after the teasing happened earlier.
"Will you stop poking me? I am trying to work here." Yoongi glared at the other who grinned at being successful in getting something out of the elder.
"Finally,you talked." He sighed in relief.

"How can I not? If you sit there with that gloomy face." Yoongi mumbled.

"Huh" Hoseok didn't catch it.

"Nothing, let me work alright, we have a lot to do," Yoongi waved him off, "and don't you have tons of work for yourself? Go and complete it." He shoved him to move.

"Alright,grumpy cat," Hoseok got up huffing only to get smacked by a pillow on his head by glaring Yoongi.
He ran off after getting flipped off by Yoongi, showing his tongue.

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