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Taehyung's POV,

I was back at it again, the nightmare, that's been haunting me for years. The same dark room with no sign of light and warmth. The same grip of the shackles around my ankles and the same younger me crying and begging to a dark shadow that lurks around me.

I have no memory of something like this happening in my life, but everytime it feels too real to be a dream. I can feel the pain around my ankles, I can feel the pounding of my head so vividly ,like I am experiencing it right now.
The shackles around my ankles slowly spread,moving up all over my body and tighten around my neck. My airways suddenly feels narrower,I can't seem to breathe properly as the tightness grows more around my neck.

I try to claw the chains away from my neck,only for them to tighten more. And suddenly,the chains are yanked off of me and I am woken up with a jolt,panting for air,sweat dripping from my forehead.
With wobbly legs,I stumble out of the bed into the washroom and crouch beside the toilet to empty my stomach.
After getting out everything from my stomach, I slouch by the wall near the toilet seat.
It hasn't happen in long time,so why now?
As if I don't know,that me getting chained a day prior didn't triggered the baseless nightmare of mine.

I may have appeared tough and brave earlier but, only I know I was trying not to slip into panic. Although,I have mastered controlling myself to be vulnerable infront of someone who isn't me,my mind doesn't seem to escape the nightmare that comes along as soon as I fall asleep,haunting me.

Over years of the recurring nightmares, I figured this much that something has happened to me in past which gave birth to these recurring dreams. But what? I haven't been able to know anything. I don't remember much from my childhood and early teen days. I have some memories of the time in orphanage till I turned eighteen.I have no one who has link to my life.I don't know who my parents were or anyone who could tell about my childhood.
It's like some part of my brain shut the memories from past.

I slowly got up,washed my face and brushed off all the yucky feeling of the vomit.
I entered the room and plopped down beside the bed on the floor. I don't have my medicines for headache,so I rest my head on the bed and closed my eyes. Maybe the fatigue from all the hassle,I was feeling drowsy but, I didn't want to sleep just to be haunted by the nightmare again.

Like always,against my will,the traitor of my body was fighting me to drift into sleep. I was almost asleep,when I felt another presence bedside me I feel that soft crease on my face again, featherlight, like almost not there but it was.

"You are still beautiful as ever," I felt the infuriating mafiaso breathing near my face.
His hands found my face again,tracing his fingers along my eyebrows,then somewhere around my cheeks and tip of nose. I was trying hard not to react.
"Why the fuck is he touching me like that? What's wrong with this dickhead? Am I dreaming?" I thought. Yeah,I must be dreaming because there was no other explanation why would he touch my face and talk to me so gently.
But that didn't aged long I was now getting lifted so gently like a precious piece of porcelain by none other than the 'Underworld King' and oh my god those fucking muscles.

I successfully suppressed my gasp when I felt his arms muscles flex under my thigh and back. This man is strong to be lifting a grown ass man who weighs almost seventy kgs like nothing.

"Oh my god!why am I thinking of such things,and why the hell am I playing dead when I should be punching his pretty face for manhandling me like this without my permission?" I was busy trying to knock some sense into myself,when I felt him lowering me and my body came in contact with the soft sheets I was sleeping earlier into.

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