18: A peek in the past.

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Taehyung's Pov,

I was not the one who gets emotional that easily. I have learned to control my emotions very well but,I just couldn't help myself from grabbing that man for a hug. Why? Because, he fucking made it unable to think straight for me.
Maybe because that was the first time someone told whatever the fuck he said to me.

Everyone has only ever made me think like I am the problem for not fitting in but,he was the first to tell me that I don't need to fit in anywhere. He was the first one to tell me, I am not a burden and not so difficult. So,how could I just sit there and watch him run his mouth like that,making my heart go wild and all. Before I could think about my actions, I just flung myself onto him, grabbing him for a hug.

I felt him go stiff but didn't pull away. I honestly wanted to shed some tears as well but that would be really embarrassing so I just held onto him. His arms slowly and tentatively made their way up my waist and held me.Now I wanted to cry for real. His arms felt too comfortable to pull away from but I had to.

"You really do like to surprise me,sweetheart." I heard him speak.
"Thank you for saying all that." I am surprised I could talk without crying. I kept on holding him for sometime before I finally decided to untangle myself from him.

He let me go and moved back to his previous position.
"I already told you, you don't need to thank me for stating the right thing." He said showing that smile, he has been throwing me since earlier.
'Is that my heart beating so loudly?' I ran my palm on my chest,to prevent a particular organ from jumping out. It's been acting very weird nowadays.

A frown made its way on his handsome face, as he watched me.
"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"Nothing serious. Haha." I replied laughing which obviously sounded so awkward.
"Are you sure? You looked like you were in pain." He asked again.
"It was just the adrenaline from riding a bike after a long time." I lied. Well, it wasn't a lie. I am seriously still high on adrenaline. I haven't gotten a chance to ride a bike since I got here.

I miss my precious bike that I left at my garage. I hope that idiot hasn't touched my bike yet,otherwise he will be a dead meat by the time I get back.

That reminded me, I am not here for vacation but-
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Jungkook's voice made me realise,I have been lost in my thoughts once again.

"Nothing much. I am thinking about whatever happened in these few weeks of my life. I was 'The V',the greatest agent in the whole department,who has never ever failed his missions, the most clever and genius V and I walked straight into your trap like an idiot. Not only that but,I got caught like a fool,and got an offer to join the biggest mafia group,which is in reality not your typical mafia group but a server of justice in disguise." I exclaimed and he just watched me.

"You guys really have been fucking my mind. At first, I thought I would just trick you guys into thinking I am your ally, gather all the evidence and flee out of here." I thought he would at least be surprised about what I said but he was neither surprised nor offended, so I decided to let my mouth do the work.
"The more I know about you guys, the more you confuse me. I don't know what to do anymore. I was here to drag your notorious ass to jail,to destroy you so why are you guys not treating me like one. You treat me like I am your friend when I clearly didn't give any of the impression that a possible friend would give." I looked at him with confusion.

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