Chapter 1.1

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Welcome? What was I supposed to think about this guy? He'd kidnapped me, and I had no idea where I was.

I looked around again and realised it wasn't just cloudy but foggy as well. I could see buildings in the distance. I looked closer and my jaw dropped. I was staring at a fortress of multiple buildings merged together. Dark stones built together creating a defence with numerous levels. Every window I could see had a gothic style arch and some had stained glass. The architecture that stood before me was magnificent. I was stunned.

What's happened to me? Am I really seeing this?

I spun around again and brought my attention back to the stone wall. I stood there, the wall between me and the clouds, and I realised that I could see the landscape through them in the distance. I slowly made my way over to the wall and looked over the edge. I saw green fields with bushes lined with trees. It dawned on me that I was looking down at earths ground. I was floating on something in the sky. How could that even be possible?!

Things had gotten a little interesting.

I looked around again. It looked like a normal place you would see in the country with a few trees here and there. I could see a big fountain with four levels in front of the fortress. The first level seemed to have a massive but shallow pool, ankle-deep with a few springs of water around the inner circle. The second level looked to be a bowl with water pouring out of it. The third was similar to the second, and it was stacked in the middle. The final level wasn't a pool. It was a statue of a woman in a long dress that looked like it was blowing in the wind. She appeared to be embracing the sky.

The whole thing was beautiful. I kept looking around, trees were everywhere and pathways leading to who knows where. The fog was lifting and I could see a bit better. The fortress was built around the fountain in a semi-circle that opened towards me. I was stunned. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I was frozen and scared. Millions of emotions were rushing through me, so many that I couldn't even pick one. They all ran around my head, and I didn't know how to deal with it.

I turned back to the strange fellow, who brought me to this unknown place; he was studying me. He held his arms tight behind him like a soldier waiting for a command.

Realising I had a voice I blurted "Why did you bring me here? What is happening?" My throat was quite dry.

"I brought you here on account of my orders that were provided today, and I do not know anything more. All that was said to me was to bring you here, and the rest would be taken care of." he said calmly. A run of the mill kind of day for him I guess.

"This is crazy! You can't just take someone! That's insane! I don't know you, you creep!" I yelled, waving my arms like a madwoman.

"I was given the order to bring you here. It is not crazy at all, and my name is Brock." he replied.

"YES. IT. IS. CRAZY," I shouted and realized I had raised my voice. "And giving me your name won't change anything!"

"Well, you asked for it." He cocked an eyebrow.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, was he that crazy? I felt like this was just a dream, or come to think of it, was I still going crazy or was I out cold or something?

I looked over the stone wall again. We were floating in the air on an island, I assumed.

"Are we an object in the sky right now?" I asked, finally getting my mind to process. How is this normal?

"Yes, we are floating in the air over a small city right now, but no one can see this building because we are invisible to the humans." He replied.

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