Chapter 5

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Waking up from the previous night experience made me feel a little hazy and uncomfortable. Though I didn't ponder it as much when Emily started raiding through the room and throwing some things around. Probably indicating I needed to get up. I looked at the clock and realized I'd slept in and had only an hour to get ready and get across campus.

I flew out of bed and threw on my clothes not caring that I may look like trash, it didn't matter. What did matter was heading to class on time and not getting scowled for being late.

We grabbed our bags and ran fast as we could towards class, following the path, it was familiar to me. Our feet clanked against the stones like a herd of cattle running on cobble stone. We were loud almost like hooves pounding the ground. Eventually we arrived just as the prof was about to start the lecture. We hustled into our seats in the most inelegant way possible with little snickers from other students behind and beside us.

"Hello class, welcome again to our lecture, today we begin more about the topic of elements," Prof Valdis spoke in her usual smooth way.

"Immortals are particular unique creatures, they are not humans obviously, but are much different to others such as Lycanthropes, Giants, Fairies, Mermaids, Goblins, Elves and Trolls. As they do possess power like Immortals do though" Professor Valdis drifted off. "But other creatures do possess their own unique powers just like Immortals. Every creature has their own unique set of powers, it does separate us...but it also units us. For example, Fairies have the power of elements but also have the power to enchant people, good or bad luck."

She strolled to the board lifting her hand and the elements appeared on the board.

"With the elements are the most common one for your generation right now is water and fire, the uncommon is spirit. If you possess one of the four elements it means you are part of the ancient family realm that possess those powers,"

"Basically, there are different realms for all element and they can become very powerful, just like we spoke about other the day, needing your jewelry to help challenge safety your power."

I scrunched my face and started to think, allowing my mind to wonder off as I thought about what power I would receive. My first thought was water, the ocean was beautiful and it could become very powerful. Letting it become to greatest weapon.

Earth could work since we are surrounded by it in the first place. I could just bring my hands up and roots could appear allowing nature to grow.

I wasn't really set on fire as my fear, things could go very wrong also considering it may be hard to understand the flow of heat. I was not betting on myself. I mean it is nice coming to practical way of thinking about it.

Lastly air, which in my honest opinion, I do not think will be much use for me. I mean there was wind, and it could manipulate weather. But that was as much I could think about it.

Slowly I brought myself back to the classroom while Prof Valdis was still speaking though she was on some sort of topic but different context.

"—except not all immortals can receive the powers of the elements, because apparently there are powers that yet to be discovered."

What was she talking about?

"The reason they don't is because some power have not yet existed."


"Such powers need to be discovered, and we still don't understand the reasoning for this," she strolled back her desk, "Sometimes they are discovered by accident."

Now I was confused.

"Alright we are finished" the chimed bells rang.

We all readied ourselves with the noise of shuffling papers and scraping of chairs, Emily and I made our way out the class and towards combat tactics.

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