Chapter 11

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The books I went through plus researching for our ritual assignment took me a week just to get through only half of it. All Emily and I did was class, school work and bed. Same cycle like any other day. Besides the books that were recommended to me, didn't exactly help my curious thoughts rather it only produced more questions. I hoped to least find one answer but was like a needle in a haystack.

One evening Emily and I gathered our books and headed over to dorm in the evening. Meaning we would be heading to bed soon which I was not ready for. Lately because I have been restless during the night resulting from unanswered questions.

The night was chiller since winter was approaching. We had to wear our coats to help keep the chill out but the cold still bit into my face.

We walked about half way till I pivot and started walking somewhere else completely.

"Asema, where are you going?" Emily voice trailed at me from the distance. I just ignored it and aimlessly walked till I found myself heading towards Madam Mentor office direction.

The night walking by myself was quiet, aside from my shoes clambering against the stones. I stopped and took a breath allowing the coldness to pierce down my throat. It was fresh and kept me awake. The only reason I could think of about going to see Mentor was a book I could not understand. I knew I could have asked Emily but I don't think she would have the answers.

I shifted the books I was holding, only two and brought the one I was questioning out in front of me.

History that is Beyond Knowledge.

I couldn't get passed it something about it made me question too many things. I was not sure if even Mentor could answer.

I shook myself and breathed and slowly started forward but only slowly and for some random odd reason I had a strong sense someone or something was watching me. I discreetly looked around while walking forward but I heard no one or saw no one just an alleyway there, with a tree and bush here. All of them were against the evening sky that was a dark scene.

I turned around a corner to entered a building that led to the office but halted before the doors. I looked up at the starry sky there no cloud in sight. The moon only a quarter. It felt as if there was life beyond these stars and rather being watched or looked at. Suddenly a peace and comfort flushed over me.

I took in another breath of the cool air. Then popped the hall door open and stepped into a gas light room the illuminated a medieval castle. I looked up and the stain glass area only shadows that were behind light.

I ascended the stairs and soon found myself welcomed by a circle of windows in the tower. Stars presented in every window only one had a silver moon. I found myself drawn and moving forward to one of the windows and rested my elbows on the cool biting stone, against my skin that reached beneath my clothes of the fabric.

I admired the stars again and took in the sky as well bit of the school. I saw a few lamps flickering with light.

Out of nowhere I may have been going crazy, but I thought sky winked at me. I truly felt as if someone was looking down towards me. Quickly I shook myself of these thoughts and went to the doors and knocked.

Moment later the doors opened. I entered and saw Madam Mentor sitting at her desk looking over something. I walked closer to the coffee table and she looked up and smiled at me but rather a odds smile.

"It is pleasure seeing you dear, but you are aware of the time?" it was stern voice but softness to it.

"Yeah sorry...but I need some information" I was surprised my voice was shaky.

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