Chapter 17

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The sun shone brightly into the room with mixture of red and pink. That is what I wished to wake me up instead of being ripped out of bed and clothing shoved into my arms.

"Come on," Emily demanding. I shrugged from odd weight and sat back down. I was slowly waking up from my slumber. There, stood Emily with her arms crossed looking annoyed.

"Why are you interrupting a perfectly good sleep?" I questioned, snuggling into my bed again.

She scoffed at me.

"You need to practice your powers, and only way to do that is by experimenting with them" she grabbed my sheets and ripped them off causing a shriek of cold to wrap around my now shivering body.

"Nope," I refused.

"Okay" she dramatically sighed, "then I guess I will just stay here wonder about life and ask you questions."

I heard her flop on the bed.

I rose, "Fine I am up, anything better than your questions."

She smiled and we prepared ourselves.

We arrived at the temple gardens and saw only a few students since the weather was nice and snow had packed down a bit. Though it was barely noticeable.

Our warm clothing helped the cold along with boots to trek through the snow. We headed for an area as we did not want others students to see what I could do.

We found a spot at the back end of the temple while being surrounded by couple of trees. That held snow as if it was weightless. Found a rea where there were rocks formed a circle. And the grass on the inside was looked as if it barely been touched by snow.

I stepped forward and into the circle and Emily took a step back to give room. I took a deep breath and thought of air as I lifted my hands and imagined a mini tornado spinning around in my hands. I could hear the wind become much more, as is rustled amongst the trees above me. I instantly stop thinking and it all vanished immediately.

I dropped my hands placed them on both sides of me on the ground and thought of earth how vines growing up from the ground and twirling around reaching for my hands. The command obeyed and green vines with leaves and flowers bloomed twirled upwards to my hands. It was beautiful, they were dancing. I then commanded them to stop and they quickly retreated back into the ground. I looked at Emily and she smiled, I prepared myself and looked back down.

I took a deep breath and thought of fire, raising my right hand, thinking of a blazing ball of fire. There it was right in my hand a ball of flame, licking itself and dancing beautifully. I closed my hand and the flame disappeared.

"Now" I started, "Time for my favourite element."

I continued.

I looked at both of my hands and there was a dragon made of water splashing around. I smiled and squeezed my hands shut making disappear.

I looked up at Emily and she seemed dazed for a moment but then smiled.

"There, are you satisfied?" I asked her hoping a yes would come.

"Mhmm, I am very much so" she came forward and stopped, "And here is you necklace"

I looked down at it hanging from her hands, the unique pendant that control so much. A balance.

I took it, grasping the cold chain in my hand.

"Come, I am starting to get cold" Emily said and she dragged me off to the dining hall where we received some hot drinks and sat in the dark corner enough so no would hear us.

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