Chapter 12

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All around me it was just blue with lighter blue swirls bouncing around me it was never ending. I had been floating forwards who knows how long. The odd part was somehow I felt calm and knew nothing would hurt me as floated forward in this unknown abyss.

Soon I was spat out by the blue tunnel and landed on my knees onto some stone floor. Only light throbbing pulsed up my knees, I silently hissed from the pain. I rose myself from my bearings and looked behind me, there was a blue and some sort of swirling of multiple blues tones around like a wall hanging ocean whirl pool. Making me question a few things.

Did I just come through that?

I didn't even remember ever stepping a foot into something like that in the first place. All I remember was falling asleep. Unless that answered question is I was in some sort of dream world.

I looked away from the oval and started to observe my surroundings in front of me. First, I saw dark grey stone slabs that soon dragged my view up to a few steps that led up to what I saw is a huge black stone throne. I looked right, there were stars and they shone bright and twinkled in the distance as if they did when you saw them on the planet earth.

Suddenly I was aware of my normal breathing that started to become quicker. I shifted my gaze to the left and almost fainted as I was staring at half-lit earth on the lower distance.

I sure hope that was some good magic wallpaper.

I took in a shaky breath slowly calming myself. There was this urge to get up and touch what I hoped are walls. But somehow felt like I was fooling myself.

I still could not understand how I was freaking out even though I felt so calm. My functioning in this dream world was confusing. Still trying to comprehend this place a mystical voice spoke.

"Welcome, don't worry you are safe"

I shot my head up to see a woman who had light purple skin. Her hair floating around like gravity didn't exist. Her dark almost black dress floated out like smoke. I looked at her closely and saw that he eyes shone like silver or two silver moons. She was utterly beautiful, nothing like more so mystic god like.

It made me question was this the goddess Kadea? The paintings and stained glass did not do her justice.

"Hello" I said softly.

She smiled which felt like putting me under an almost enchanted spell, "I hope you don't mind this place, after all this is really my safe place, I could contact you." The voice moved like light air.

I quickly shook from my daze, "Only way to reach me? Do you mean like a from a dream?"

She only nodded.

I slowly found myself rising onto my feet and somehow was planted firmly on my two feet.

"If it's a dream would how or why does this feel so real?" I questioned, confusion now flooding me.

Kadea laughed then floated towards me now being in front of me embracing my shoulders while I slowly stared at her. Her hands felt smooth and warm it was oddly a familiar touch somehow. She leaned away looked at me against drifted away a few feet now embracing the area around us.

"Do you know what this place is?" she asked like I possibly might know.

I looked around and saw more stars and the earth. It was a feeling like I already knew what this place was but couldn't place it.

"I feel I should know" I replied then found Kadea sitting back in her throne.

"It's alright" she smiled, "this right now is my safe haven for us to communicate. It is fortress of my palace."

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