Chapter 9

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I walked fast as I could, I started walking down under some archways crossing every path trying to see if I could find Emily. Soon I gave up as I saw she was no where to be found. So I headed to the dining hall for lunch.

There I found her sitting at the table with Damon, they were both looking at a sheet of paper. I quickly headed over to them ignoring the lunch line of students gathering their food. I joined them but Damon quickly rose and waved at me but I lingered by Emily side reassuring her for some reason. Damon then left.

"Bye Asema, I will see you later Emily" his words, rolling out of his mouth too smoothly then left.

"Did you guys eat?" I asked noticing that there was no food on the tables.

"No...not yet" she rose and gathered her food leaving me to stare at the letter she held. I was becoming concerned.

She returned and slumpy came back.

"What's wrong?"

She looked as if she may cry, "one of siblings is missing," I could hear the tears she was holding back. She lifted the paper and scanned over it again but slowly gave it to me.

I looked down at it.

'Our dearest Emily

We have received news that Janelle has been announced missing. We have checked with her husband and children, checking where she may have been last. All our guards have been searching as well as our personal warriors. Please if you have any information tell us as we know of her type of behaviour that is not unknown. As well, we informed our kingdom to tell the residents to be on the lookout when going about their daily business. We wrote to be aware.

Sincerely Father and Mother, King and Queen of Equitem Draco.'

I paused looking at the letter.

"Asema just talk about something, to help me keep distracted," Emily pleaded.

I bit my lip and then thought of something. "So how was your morning?"

Smiling, "good, I went for a morning stroll with Damon, the air is definitely a warming fall."

I nodded, with a sigh of relied on that subject, so she was not looking for me. Meaning she wasn't worried.

"So, what are your thoughts on Wolf?" I treaded carefully.

She shrugged, "I guess he is cool and interesting though, I have only known him from a distance."

I hummed thinking, should I tell her? Or keep it under wraps?

"Why are you curious?" she asked but felt she was wary.

I went with my gut.

"Wolf and I kissed" then waited for her reaction.

Emily looked surprised closer shocked, but also looked frozen, soon I realized my cheeks began turning red from embarrassment as I felt the warmth settling in. She did sit there and stare. Finally, after a minute the awkward silence though felt longer, she spoke.

"You guys kissed...what was it like?" she whispered.

I sucked in my lip and bit inside of my cheek, how I suppose to tell her the lighting feeling and the shock wave that happened.

"First off the kiss was good, quite nice actually, though moment after shock wave went through our lips. It was like an electrical wave bursting out from us." I said now feeling stupid as it sounded weird.

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